Annwyl Deuluoedd,
Mae’r Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon yn gyffrous iawn i gyhoeddi’r ffaith y byddwn yn cynnal twmpath yma yn yr ysgol ar nos Sadwrn yr 2il o Fawrth. Rydym yn gyffrous iawn bod y band o’r rhaglen deledu ‘Gavin and Stacey’ (Pluck & Squeeze) wedi eu harchebu ar gyfer y noson. Dyma gyfle gwych am hwyl i'r teulu!
Bydd y Twmpath (fel dawns sgubor) rhwng 6 ac 8pm. Bydd cawl a rholyn yn gynwysedig yn y pris. Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn ddigwyddiad arall sydd wedi'i gynllunio i godi arian ar gyfer offer chwarae newydd i'r plant. Felly, mae'n £5 y pen neu £20 am uned deuluol (rhieni a phlant). Plis rhannwch hwn gyda neiniau a theidiau hefyd!
Mae gennym ni uchafswm o 75 o leoedd ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn. Felly, y cyntaf i'r felin yw hi! Fe fydd linc yn cael ei darparu i chi ac yn mynd yn fyw ddydd Gwener! Cadwch golwg yn y Bwletin ac ar dudalen Facebook Ffrindiau Panteg!

Llwyddiant Cystadleuaeth Lego
Rydym yn falch iawn o un o’n grwpiau Lego aeth drwodd i rowndiau terfynol Cystadleuaeth Lego Menter Iaith Gwynllyw. Daeth y bechgyn yn y grŵp yn 2il! Da iawn!

Annibyniaeth Plant – Rhan 5
Yr wythnos diwethaf, ddydd Gwener, buom yn edrych ar ymdrech fel rhan o’n harchwiliad o annibyniaeth plant. Heddiw, rydym yn canolbwyntio ar hunanymwybyddiaeth.
Mae datblygu hunanymwybyddiaeth yn rhan hanfodol o feithrin annibyniaeth plant. Mae hunanymwybyddiaeth yn golygu deall eich meddyliau, eich emosiynau a'ch gweithredoedd eich hun, ac mae'n sylfaen ar gyfer adeiladu ymdeimlad cryf o hunaniaeth ac ymreolaeth. Pan fydd plant yn hunanymwybodol, byddant yn cael mewnwelediad i'w cryfderau, eu gwendidau a'u hoffterau, gan eu galluogi i wneud penderfyniadau gwybodus sy'n cyd-fynd â'u gwerthoedd a'u diddordebau.
Wrth i blant ddod yn fwy hunanymwybodol, datblygant ymdeimlad o gyfrifoldeb ac atebolrwydd am eu dewisiadau. Mae'r ymwybyddiaeth hon yn eu grymuso i osod a dilyn nodau, gwneud penderfyniadau annibynnol, a llywio heriau gyda gwydnwch. At hynny, mae hunanymwybyddiaeth yn meithrin hunanddelwedd gadarnhaol, gan wella hyder a hunan-barch plant.
Trwy annog hunanfyfyrio ac ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar, gall rhoddwyr gofal ac addysgwyr helpu plant i adnabod eu hemosiynau, deall eu cymhellion, a meithrin cysylltiad dyfnach â nhw eu hunain. Mae'r ymwybyddiaeth fewnol hon yn gweithredu fel cwmpawd ar gyfer llywio'r byd allanol, gan hyrwyddo ymdeimlad o asiantaeth a hunan-effeithiolrwydd. Yn y pen draw, hunan-ymwybyddiaeth sy'n gosod y sylfaen i blant ddod yn unigolion annibynnol sy'n gallu llywio cymhlethdodau bywyd yn hyderus ac ymdeimlad cryf o hunan.

Gweithdai Lles Gwasanaeth Iechyd Meddwl Plant
Bydd tîm CAMHS yn rhedeg nifer o sesiynau dros hanner tymor a allai fod o ddefnydd i chi. Rwy'n atodi eu poster yma!

Carreg Lam
Dydy hi byth yn rhy hwyr i ddechrau dysgu Cymraeg! Mae Carreg Lam, canolfan drochi Cymraeg Torfaen ar gyfer plant rhwng 7 ac 11 oed, bellach ar agor i gofrestru ar gyfer carfan mis Ebrill. Ydych chi’n nabod unrhyw un sydd eisiau addysg Gymraeg i’w plant?
Mae ein rhaglen arloesol 12 wythnos yn rhoi’r iaith angenrheidiol i blant symud i ddosbarthiadau Cymraeg yn hyderus. Dilynir hyn gan 12 wythnos o gefnogaeth i helpu'r bobl i setlo a dysgu trwy eu hiaith newydd!
Cysylltwch â ni ar neu ewch i am fwy o wybodaeth!

The PTA are very excited to announce the fact that we will be holding a twmpath here at school on the evening of Saturday 2nd of March. We are very excited that the band from the TV programme ‘Gavin and Stacey’ (Pluck & Squeeze) has been booked for the evening. This is a fantastic opportunity for family fun!
The Twmpath (like a barn dance) will be between 6 and 8pm. There will be soup and a roll included in the price. This event is another event designed to raise money for new play equipment for the children. Therefore, it is £5 a head or £20 for a family unit (parents and children). Please share this with grandparents too!
We have a maximum of 75 spaces for this event. So, it is first come, first served! A link will be provided for you to book and this will go live on Friday! Keep an eye out in the Bulletin and on Ffrindiau Panteg’s Facebook page.

Lego Competition Success
We are really proud of one of our Lego groups who went through to the finals of the Menter Iaith Lego Competition at Gwynllyw. The boys in the group came 2nd! Well done!

Children’s Independence – Part 5
Last week, on Friday, we looked at effort as part of our exploration of children’s independence. Today, we focus on self-awareness.
Developing self-awareness is a crucial component in fostering children's independence. Self-awareness involves understanding one's own thoughts, emotions, and actions, and it serves as the foundation for building a strong sense of identity and autonomy. When children are self-aware, they gain insight into their strengths, weaknesses, and preferences, enabling them to make informed decisions that align with their values and interests.
As children become more self-aware, they develop a sense of responsibility and accountability for their choices. This awareness empowers them to set and pursue goals, make independent decisions, and navigate challenges with resilience. Moreover, self-awareness fosters a positive self-image, enhancing children's confidence and self-esteem.
By encouraging self-reflection and mindfulness, caregivers and educators can help children recognize their emotions, understand their motivations, and build a deeper connection with themselves. This internal awareness serves as a compass for navigating the external world, promoting a sense of agency and self-efficacy. Ultimately, self-awareness lays the groundwork for children to become independent individuals who are capable of navigating life's complexities with confidence and a strong sense of self.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Wellbeing Workshops
The CAMHS team will be running a number of sessions over half term that might be of use to you. I attach their poster here!

Carreg Lam
It's never too late to start learning Welsh! Carreg Lam, Torfaen's Welsh immersion center for children aged between 7 and 11, is now open for registration for the April cohort. Do you know anyone who wants a Welsh education for their child?
Our innovative 12-week program gives children the necessary language to move into Welsh classes with confidence. This is followed by 12 weeks of support to help the people settle and learn through their new language!
Contact us at or visit for more information!
