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Athroniaeth i Blant
Philosophy for Children

Beth yw Athroniaeth i Blant?

What is Philosophy for Children?

Mae Athroniaeth i Blant yn ddull athronyddol o ddysgu ac addysgu sy'n galluogi myfyrwyr i feddwl gydag eraill ac i feddwl drostynt eu hunain.

Athroniaeth yw un o'r disgyblaethau hynaf a mwyaf mawreddog, a hyd yn ddiweddar credid ei bod yn rhy anodd ac anniddorol i blant (ac yn wir, i lawer o oedolion). Eto i gyd, ystyriwch faint o faterion athronyddol y mae plant mor ifanc â phedair neu bump yn dod ar eu traws yn nodweddiadol:

Tybed a yw ysbrydion yn real neu'n afreal?
Pan fydd fy nheulu yn dweud wrthyf i fod yn dda, beth maen nhw'n ei olygu?
Beth sy'n gwneud rhywun yn ffrind gorau?
Beth mae pobl yn ei olygu pan maen nhw'n dweud eu bod nhw'n fy ngharu i?
Dyw hynny ddim yn deg!
Pam fod amser mor araf weithiau?
Rwy'n meddwl bod fy dol yn berson, nid dim ond peth.
Dywedodd Mam nad oedd gen i reswm da. Beth oedd hi'n ei olygu?
Mae fy rhieni yn dweud y dylwn i ddweud y gwir.
Ble aeth taid pan fu farw?

Mae plant yn meddwl yn gyson, ac yn myfyrio ar eu meddyliau. Maent yn caffael gwybodaeth ac yn ceisio defnyddio'r hyn a wyddant. Ac, maen nhw eisiau i'w profiad fod yn ystyrlon, i fod yn werthfawr, yn ddiddorol, yn gyfiawn ac yn hardd. Mae Athroniaeth i Blant yn cynnig cyfle i blant archwilio cysyniadau cyffredin ond dyrys, i wella eu meddwl, i wneud mwy o synnwyr o'u byd ac i ddarganfod drostynt eu hunain beth sydd i'w werthfawrogi a'i drysori yn y byd hwnnw.

Ar draws ein hysgol, rydym yn defnyddio dulliau ymholi athronyddol i ddatblygu meddylwyr critigol a helpu plant i dyfu ym mhob agwedd ar eu bywydau.

Philosophy for Children is a philosophical approach to learning and teaching that enables students to think with others and to think for themselves.

Philosophy is one of the most ancient and prestigious of the disciplines, and until recently it was thought to be too difficult and uninteresting for children (and indeed, for many adults). Yet, consider how many philosophical issues are typically encountered by children as young as four or five:

I wonder if ghosts are real or unreal.
When my family tells me to be good, what do they mean?
What makes someone a best friend?
What do people mean when they say they love me?
That’s not fair!
Why is time so slow sometimes?
I think my doll is a person, not just a thing.
Mom said I didn’t have a good reason. What did she mean?
My parents say I should tell the truth.
Where did grandpa go when he died?

Children think constantly, and reflect on their thoughts. They acquire knowledge and try to use what they know. And, they want their experience to be meaningful, to be valuable, interesting, just and beautiful. Philosophy for Children offers children the chance to explore ordinary but puzzling concepts, to improve their thinking, to make more sense of their world and to discover for themselves what is to be valued and cherished in that world.

Throughout our school, we use philosophical enquiry to develop critical thinkers and help children to grow in all areas of their lives.

Beth mae Athroniaeth i Blant yn ei hyrwyddo? Beth mae'n helpu i ddysgu?
- meddwl gofalgar: gwrando'n ofalus, gwerthfawrogi, diolch, dangos diddordeb, dangos sensitifrwydd, aros eich tro
- meddwl ar y cyd: ymateb, cefnogi, adeiladu ar syniadau eraill, gwahodd, rhannu tasgau, cyd-drafod, ymuno
- meddwl yn feirniadol: cwestiynu, rhesymu, gwerthuso, pwyso a mesur tystiolaeth, gwahaniaethu, profi syniadau, cymhwyso meini prawf
-meddwl yn greadigol: gwneud cysylltiadau, awgrymu dewisiadau amgen, rhoi enghreifftiau, archwilio posibiliadau, ystyried safbwyntiau

What does Philosophy for Children champion? What does it help to teach?
-caring thinking: listening carefully, appreciating, thanking, showing interest, showing sensitivity, waiting your turn
-collaborative thinking: responding, supporting, building on other’s ideas, inviting, sharing tasks, negotiating, joining in
-critical thinking: questioning, reasoning, evaluating, weighing evidence, making distinctions, testing ideas, applying criteria
-creative thinking: making connections, suggesting alternatives, giving examples, exploring possibilities, considering perspectives


Rydym yn falch iawn bod ein hysgol wedi ennill gwobr am ein hymrwymiad i annog meddwl beirniadol a phlant i drafod. Cawsom ein hasesu ar gyfer Gwobr Efydd Athroniaeth i Blant a phasion ni yn arbennig o dda. Mae'r Wobr Efydd ar gyfer ysgolion sydd wedi ymrwymo i Athroniaeth i Blant fel addysgeg ysgol gyfan. Mae yna feini prawf helaeth sy'n asesu ein hymgyrch i baratoi plant i fod yn feddylwyr annibynnol ar gyfer y dyfodol. Rydym eisoes yn cyflawni elfennau o'r wobr arian a byddwn yn parhau i fynd ar drywydd hyn y flwyddyn nesaf nid am dystysgrif neu fathodyn - ond oherwydd ei fod yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i addysg ein plant. Eleni, mae meddwl yn feirniadol ac Athroniaeth i Blant wedi bod ar ein cynllun datblygu ysgol. Ymlaen ac i fyny i Arian!

We are really proud that our school has won an award for our commitment to encouraging critical thinking and children discussing. We were assessed for the Philosophy for Children Bronze Award and passed with flying colours. The Bronze Award is for schools which have made a commitment to Philosophy for Children as a whole school pedagogy. There is an extensive criteria which assesses our drive to prepare children to be independent thinkers of the future. We are already fulfilling elements of the silver award and will continue to pursue this next year not for a certificate or badge - but because it makes a difference to the education of our children. This year, critical thinking and Philosophy for Children has been on our school development plan. Onwards and upwards to Silver!

Ysgol Panteg, Heol Yr Orsaf, Tre Griffith, Pont-y-Pŵl, Torfaen, NP4 5JH
01495 762581

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