Annwyl Deuluoedd,
Anrhegion Nadolig
Mae'r Nadolig fel arfer yn amser gwych i deuluoedd. Fodd bynnag, gwyddom hefyd y gall fod yn straen i rai teuluoedd, yn enwedig gyda phwysau ariannol cynyddol a chostau byw sy'n ymddangos fel pe baent yn cynyddu'n barhaus. Am y blynyddoedd diwethaf, rydym wedi cynnig cymorth gydag anrhegion Nadolig plant i deuluoedd sydd angen y gefnogaeth honno - ac rydyn yn gwneud yr un peth y flwyddyn hon.
Os ydych chi'n cael eich hun yn poeni am sut i dalu am anrhegion Nadolig i'ch plentyn neu blant eleni - cysylltwch â ni a byddwn yn gwneud yr hyn a allwn i gefnogi. Gallwch gysylltu naill ai â mi ( neu Mrs Redwood ( yn y swyddfa a byddwn yn cefnogi’n sensitif ac yn gyfrinachol. Gorau po gyntaf y byddwch yn cysylltu â ni oherwydd mae'n rhoi mwy o amser i ni drefnu.
Os ydych yn deulu sy'n dymuno cyfrannu tuag at gefnogi teulu arall, cysylltwch â ni hefyd.

Beth sydd ymlaen? Atgof
Rydyn ni nawr yn ei drwch ac mae'r Nadolig yn rhuthro tuag atom! Dyma'ch nodyn atgoffa am yr hyn sy'n digwydd yr wythnos hon a'r wythnos nesaf!
Dydd Mercher (6/12) - BLWYDDYN 6: Cyngerdd Ysgol Gymraeg Gwynllyw ar gyfer Blwyddyn 6. Dim cost am y digwyddiad hwn - costau cludiant yn cael eu talu gan yr ysgol.
Dydd Mercher - BLWYDDYN 2: Parti a Gemau Nadolig (3:30-4:30; gall plant ddod i'r ysgol yn eu dillad parti, dim cost ychwanegol).
Dydd Iau (7/12) – BLYNYDDOEDD 4, 5 A 6: Cam Cynnydd 3 Cyngerdd Carolau yn Neuadd yr Ysgol. Bydd perfformiad bore (10:15am) a pherfformiad prynhawn (1:45pm).
Dydd Iau – BLWYDDYN 3: Parti a Gemau Nadolig (3:30-4:30; gall plant ddod i’r ysgol yn eu dillad parti, dim cost ychwanegol).
Dydd Gwener (8/12) – PAWB: Diwrnod Siwmper Nadolig (gyda chyfraniad o £1 at elusen; os nad oes gan eich plentyn siwmper Nadolig gallwch addurno crys-t plaen neu wisgo tinsel!)
Dydd Gwener – PAWB: Cardiau Nadolig gan Staff yn mynd allan i Blant a Theuluoedd
Dydd Llun (11/12) - BLYNYDDOEDD 1, 2 A 3: Cam Cynnydd 2, Ymarfer Gwisg Sioe Nadolig
Dydd Llun - PAWB: Adroddiad Interim ar Gynnydd Plant (1 dudalen) yn mynd allan i deuluoedd
Dydd Llun - BLWYDDYN 4: Pobi Nadolig (yn ystod oriau ysgol, dim cost ychwanegol)
Dydd Mawrth (12/12) – BLYNYDDOEDD 1, 2 A 3: Cam Cynnydd 2 Sioe Nadolig yn Neuadd yr Ysgol. Bydd perfformiad bore (10:15am) a pherfformiad prynhawn (1:45pm).
Dydd Mawrth - BLWYDDYN 5: Pobi Nadolig (yn ystod oriau ysgol, dim cost ychwanegol
Dydd Mercher (13/12) - DERBYN A MEITHRIN - Cam Cynnydd 1, Ymarfer Gwisg Sioe Nadolig
Dydd Mercher - PAWB: Cystadleuaeth Cacen Nadolig (teuluoedd i wneud ac addurno cacennau bach a'u cyflwyno i'n cegin i'w beirniadu - mynediad olaf am 9:00am)
Dydd Mercher - BLWYDDYN 6: Pobi Nadolig (yn ystod oriau ysgol, dim cost ychwanegol)
Dydd Iau (14/12) – DERBYN A MEITHRIN Cam Cynnydd 1, Sioe Nadolig yn Neuadd yr Ysgol. Bydd perfformiad bore (10:15am) a pherfformiad prynhawn (1:45pm).
Dydd Gwener (15/12) - BLYNYDDOEDD 1, 2 A 3 Te Prynhawn gyda Siôn Corn ar gyfer Cam Cynnydd 2 (yn ystod oriau ysgol, dim cost ychwanegol)
Dydd Gwener - MEITHRIN A DERBYN: Amser Stori gyda Mrs. Claus a Cookie Addurno ar gyfer Cynnydd Cam 1 (yn ystod oriau ysgol, dim cost ychwanegol)

Tocynnau Sbâr
Fel y gwyddoch, nid oeddem yn gallu rhoi tocynnau ychwanegol i bawb. Mae’r galw eleni wedi codi llawer mwy na’r llynedd – gofynnwyd am fwy na 350 o docynnau ychwanegol! Deallwn fod hyn yn siomedig i lawer – ac rydym yn ymddirheurio am hyn. Os oes gennych docynnau a bod eich amgylchiadau wedi newid ac na allwch fynychu, rhowch wybod i ni cyn gynted ag y gallwch. Mae gennym restr aros a byddai'n gas gennym pe bai unrhyw seddi gwag.
Rydyn ni wedi cael llawer o bobl yn ffonio heddiw i brynu tocynnau pantomeim. Rydym wedi llwyddo i drefnu estyniad i'r dyddiad cau. Os nad ydych wedi talu neu rhowch wybod i ni fod problem gyda CivicaPay – gwnewch hynny heddiw. Bydd CivicaPay yn cau bore fory am 10yb (6ed o Ragfyr). Sylwch mai peth cyntaf yfory, mae angen i ni roi rhifau i'r theatr. Wedi i Civica Pay gau heno a ni wedi rhoi ein rhifau i'r theatr, ni fyddwn yn gallu trefnu rhagor o docynnau.
Canu yn yr Ysbyty
Bore ma, aeth criw o blant i ganu yn Ysbyty’r Sir. Am brofiad hyfryd a chodi ysbryd pobl nad ydyn nhw'n iach ar hyn o bryd. Rydyn ni mor falch ohonyn nhw!

CRhA - Atgof Olaf
Rydym yn cynnal cyfarfod blynyddol ar ddydd Mawrth, Rhagfyr 5ed yn yr ysgol am 5:30-6:30 (heno)! Yn y cyfarfod hwn, byddwn yn edrych ar rolau’r pwyllgor, digwyddiadau yn y flwyddyn newydd a chynyddu ymgysylltiad rhieni â’r Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon. Gwnewch bob ymdrech i fod yn rhan o hyn gan ei fod o fudd uniongyrchol i'r plant. Rhowch wybod i mi eich bod yn dod trwy gofrestru gan ddefnyddio'r ddolen hon:

Cystadleuaeth Cacennau’r Nadolig
Fel y byddwch wedi gweld ar y calendr Nadolig, yr wythnos nesaf mae gennym Cystadleuaeth Cacennau Bach y Nadolig! (Christmas Cupcakes). Ar Ddydd Mercher, Rhagfyr 13eg am 9:00yb, bydd y gegin yn ein helpu i feirniadu cystadleuaeth coginio eleni. Mae gennym ddau gategori o wobrau: bydd gwobr gyntaf, ail a thrydydd am gacennau cwpan cartref sydd hefyd wedi’u haddurno. Mae gwobr gyntaf, ail a thrydedd wobr hefyd ar gyfer y cacennau hynny sydd wedi’u prynu a’u haddurno gartref.
-Sicrhewch eich bod wedi labelu enw eich plentyn yn glir ar y bocs y mae’r cacennau’n cael eu cludo ynddo.
-Gwnewch yn siŵr ei bod yn glir ai cacennau a brynwyd yn y siop yw’r rhain sydd wedi’u haddurno gartref neu a yw’r gacen yn gacen cartref hefyd.
-I gystadlu, darparwch rhwng 4 a 6 cacen fach. (Os ydych chi'n gwneud mwy na 6 - gallwch chi eu bwyta cyn!)
-Thema'r addurniadau yn syml yw'r Nadolig neu'r Gaeaf.
Amser pobi hapus!

Christmas Gifts
Christmas is normally a wonderful time for families. However, we also know that for some families it can be stressful especially with increased financial pressures and the cost of living which continually seems to be going up. For the last few years, we’ve offered support with children’s Christmas gifts to families who need that support - and we are doing the same this year.
If you are finding yourself worrying about how to pay for Christmas gifts for your child or children this year - please get in contact and we will do what we can to support. You can contact either myself ( or Mrs Redwood ( in the office and we will support sensitively and confidentially. The sooner you get in contact with us the better because it gives us more time to organise.
If you are a family who wishes to donate towards supporting another family, please get in contact with us too.

What’s On - Reminder
We’re now in the thick of it and Christmas is rushing towards us! Here is your reminder about what is going on over this week and next week!
Wednesday (6/12) - YEAR 6: Ysgol Gymraeg Gwynllyw Concert for Year 6. No cost for this event - transport costs covered by the school.
Wednesday - YEAR 2: Christmas Party and Games (3:30-4:30; children can come to school in their party clothes, no additional cost).
Thursday (7/12) – YEARS 4. 5 AND 6: Progress Step 3 Carol Concert at the School Hall. There will be a morning performance (10:15am) and an afternoon performance (1:45pm).
Thursday – YEAR 3: Christmas Party and Games (3:30-4:30; children can come to school in their party clothes, no additional cost).
Friday (8/12) – EVERYONE: Christmas Jumper Day (with a cash donation of £1 for charity; if your child doesn't have a Christmas jumper you can decorate a plain t-shirt or just wear some tinsel!)
Friday – EVERYONE: Christmas Cards from Staff going out to Children and Families
Monday (11/12) - YEARS 1, 2 AND 3: Progress Step 2 Christmas Show Dress Rehearsal
Monday - EVERYONE: Interim Report on Children’s Progress (1 page) going out to families)
Monday - YEAR 4: Christmas Baking (during school hours, no extra cost)
Tuesday (12/12) - YEARS 1, 2 AND 3: Progress Step 2 Christmas Show at the School Hall. There will be a morning performance (10:15am) and an afternoon performance (1:45pm).
Tuesday - YEAR 5: Christmas Baking (during school hours, no extra cost
Wednesday (13/12) - RECEPTION AND NURSERY: Progress Step 1 Christmas Show Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday - EVERYONE: Christmas Cupcake Competition (families to make and decorate cupcakes and submit for our kitchen to judge - last entry at 9:00am)
Wednesday - YEAR 6: Christmas Baking (during school hours, no extra cost)
Thursday (14/12) - RECEPTION AND NURSERY: Progress Step 1 Christmas Show at the School Hall. There will be a morning performance (10:15am) and an afternoon performance (1:45pm).
Friday (15/12) - YEARS 1, 2 AND 3: Afternoon Tea with Father Christmas for Progress Step 2 (during school hours, no extra cost)
Friday - NURSERY AND RECEPTION: Storytime with Mrs. Claus and Cookie Decorating for Progress Step 1 (during school hours, no extra cost)

Spare Tickets
As you will know, we weren’t able to give additional tickets to everyone. The demand this year has really soared much more than last year – more than 350 more tickets extra requested! We understand that this is disappointing for many – and we apologise for this. If you have tickets and circumstances have changed and you cannot attend, please let us know as soon as you can. We have a waiting list and would hate for there to be any empty seats.
We’ve had many people ringing up today to buy pantomime tickets. We have managed to arrange an extension of the deadline. If you haven’t paid or let us know that there is an issue with CivicaPay – please do so today. CivicaPay will be closing at 10am tomorrow (6th of December). Please note that first thing tomorrow, we need to give numbers to the theatre. After Civica Pay closes tonight and we have given our numbers to the theatre, we will not be able to arrange any more tickets.
Singing at the Hospital
This morning, a group of children went to sing at the County Hospital. What a wonderful experience and raising the spirits of people who are not well at this time. We are so proud of them!

PTA - Last Reminder
We are holding an AGM meeting on the Tuesday, 5th of December at the school at 5:30-6:30 (tonight). At this meeting, we will be looking at roles of the committee, events in the new year and increasing parental engagement with the PTA. Please make every effort to be a part of this since it directly benefits the children. Let me know you are coming by signing up using this link:

Christmas Cupcake Competition
As you will have seen on the Christmas calendar, next week we have a Christmas Cupcake Competition! On Wednesday, 13th of December at 9:00am, the kitchen will be helping us to judge this year’s cooking competition. We have two categories of prizes: there will be a first, second and third prize for homemade cupcakes that have also been decorated. There is also a first, second and third prize for those cakes that have been bought and decorated at home.
-Please ensure you have labelled you child’s name clearly on the box that the cupcakes are transported in.
-Make sure it is clear whether these are shop bought cakes that have been decorated at home or if the cake is homemade too.
-To enter, please supply between 4 and 6 cupcakes. (If you make any more than 6 - you can eat them before!)
-The theme of the decoration is simply Christmas or Winter.
Happy baking!
