Annwyl Deuluoedd,
Prynhawn da!
The Wizard of Oz
Diolch am eich amynedd gyda dyrannu tocynnau. Erbyn diwedd heddiw bydd holl docynnau bellach wedi'u dyrannu i deuluoedd. Os nad oes angen rhai o'ch tocynnau arnoch am unrhyw reswm, rhowch wybod i ni fel y gallwn eu rhoi i deuluoedd eraill a ofynnodd am docynnau ychwanegol.
Fel y gwyddoch, rydym yn disgwyl i bob aelod o Gam Cynnydd 3 aros ar ei hôl hi ddydd Llun nesaf. Cofiwch am fyrbryd neu frechdanau iddynt eu cael cyn y sioe gyda'r hwyr. Rhowch wybod i ni os na all eich plentyn aros erbyn diwedd yr wythnos.

Goodnight Mister Tom
Fel rhan o thema’r plant ym mis Medi, sef ‘I’r Gad’, rydym wedi trefnu taith i weld cynhyrchiad o ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ yn Theatr Coed Duon.
Ar gyfer Blwyddyn 6, byddwn yn mynd ar nos Iau, 7fed o Fedi gyda'r nos. Bydd y bws yn gadael Ysgol Panteg am 6:15pm ac yn dychwelyd am 10:00pm. Gofynnwn eich bod chi ar safle yr ysgol erbyn 6:00pm fel gall y bws gadael ar amser.
Ar gyfer Blwyddyn 4 a 5, rydym wedi llwyddo i drefnu sesiwn gwylio arbennig ar ddydd Sadwrn, 9fed o Hydref. Bydd y bws yn gadael Ysgol Panteg am 1:15 ac yn dychwelyd am 5:00. Gofynnwn eich bod chi ar safle yr ysgol erbyn 1:00 fel gall y bws gadael ar amser.
Cost y daith hon yw £17. Bydd angen taliad llawn erbyn Medi 4ydd am 10:00yb. Ar ôl yr amser hwn, ni fyddwn yn gallu dal unrhyw docynnau gan y byddant yn cael eu rhyddhau yn ôl i'r theatr i'r cyhoedd eu prynu. Mae gostyngiad o 10% i'r rhai sy'n derbyn Grant Datblygu Disgyblion (Cinio Ysgol Am Ddim).
Mae hwn bellach yn fyw ar Civica Pay. Os ydych yn cael unrhyw anhawster talu, technegol neu fel arall, rhowch wybod i ni cyn gynted â phosibl.

Noson Agored - Helpwch Ni i Ledaenu'r Gair!
Fel y byddwch yn gwybod erbyn hyn, mae gennym ein Noson Agored Ysgol ar ddydd Iau! Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn gyfle gwych i ddarpar deuluoedd brofi’r awyrgylch croesawgar, y cyfleusterau a’r staff ymroddedig sy’n gwneud Ysgol Panteg yn lle mor arbennig.
Gofynnwn yn garedig am eich cymorth i ledaenu’r neges am ein Noson Agored. Gall eich argymhelliad personol a'ch gair ar lafar gael effaith bwerus wrth gyrraedd teuluoedd a allai fod yn chwilio am y ffit addysgol berffaith ar gyfer eu plant.
Dyma ychydig o ffyrdd syml y gallwch chi ein helpu ni:
1. Rhannwch fanylion y digwyddiad: Postiwch am Noson Agored yr Ysgol ar eich llwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol, fel Facebook, Twitter, ac Instagram. Cynhwyswch y dyddiad, yr amser, a disgrifiad byr yn amlygu'r hyn sy'n gwneud ein hysgol yn unigryw.
2. Dywedwch wrth eich ffrindiau, cymdogion a chydweithwyr: Siaradwch â phobl yn eich cymuned a allai fod â diddordeb mewn archwilio ysgol sy'n blaenoriaethu lles a rhagoriaeth academaidd ac amgylchedd cefnogol. Rhannwch eich profiadau cadarnhaol a'u hannog i fynychu.
Rydym yn anfon mwy o bamffledi adref heno gan fod nifer ohonoch wedi gofyn am fwy.
Cofiwch, gall eich eiriolaeth a'ch brwdfrydedd wneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol i'n helpu ni i gyrraedd teuluoedd a fyddai'n ffynnu yn amgylchedd ein hysgol. Gadewch i ni weithio gyda'n gilydd i adeiladu cymuned gryfach fyth o ddysgwyr!
Diolch am eich cefnogaeth barhaus. Edrychwn ymlaen at groesawu teuluoedd newydd i’n Noson Agored ac arddangos y cyfleoedd addysgol gwych yr ydym yn eu darparu.

Cinio Ysgol Am Ddim i Blant Newydd - Atgof
Yng Nghymru, rydym yn ffodus iawn i gael prydau ysgol am ddim i bob disgybl mewn ysgolion cynradd. Ar gyfer teuluoedd â phlant sy’n symud i’r Dosbarth Derbyn, er mwyn cael y ddarpariaeth prydau ysgol am ddim hon, maen rhaid i chi lenwi’r ffurflen ganlynol:
(Mae’r ddolen hon yn wahanol i’r un ar gyfer plant Blwyddyn 3, 4 a 5.)
Gwnewch hyn cyn gynted â phosibl fel y gall ein tîm arlwyo drefnu'n briodol ar gyfer mis Medi. Hyd yn oed os ydych chi'n meddwl y byddwch chi'n anfon pecyn bwyd i mewn, cofiwch ei lenwi o hyd oherwydd efallai y bydd un diwrnod pan fyddwch chi eisiau cinio poeth i'ch plentyn. Unwaith y byddwch wedi llenwi'r ffurflen hon, rydych wedi cofrestru ar gyfer eu holl amser yn ein hysgol.
Cinio Ysgol am Ddim i Blant Hŷn - Atgof
Byddwch eisoes yn gwybod bod plant o’r Dosbarth Derbyn i Flwyddyn 2 yn cael prydau ysgol am ddim. Wel, o fis Medi bydd pawb mewn ysgolion cynradd yn derbyn cinio ysgol am ddim. Fodd bynnag, mae Torfaen angen i chi lenwi ffurflen:
(Mae’r ddolen hon yn wahanol i’r un ar gyfer plant Derbyn newydd.)
Gwnewch hyn cyn gynted â phosibl fel y gall ein tîm arlwyo drefnu'n briodol ar gyfer mis Medi. Hyd yn oed os ydych chi'n meddwl y byddwch chi'n anfon pecyn bwyd i mewn, cofiwch ei lenwi o hyd oherwydd efallai y bydd un diwrnod pan fyddwch chi eisiau cinio poeth i'ch plentyn. Unwaith y byddwch wedi llenwi'r ffurflen hon, rydych wedi cofrestru ar gyfer eu holl amser yn ein hysgol.

Cynllun Meddwlgarwch
Mae dosbarthiadau derbyn Ysgol Panteg wedi cael eu tystysgrifau ar ôl cwblhau'r cwrs meddylgarwch ‘dots’. Cawson nhw gymaint o hwyl dros y 30 gwers – gweithgareddau, gemau, ac yn bwysicach, ymarferion byr meddylgarwch, wedi ei datblygu yn enwedig ar gyfer plant 3-6 oed. Ymysg eu hoff ymarferion oedd Ymarfer Cwtsh, Ymarfer Stampio Traed, Anadlu Tedi ac wrth gwrs Cegaid Feddylgar. Roedd y staff yn mwynhau’r gweithgareddau hefyd!
Mae cwricwlwm ‘dots’ yn cyfrannu at bedwar diben Cwricwlwm i Gymru newydd, yn ogystal â’r Maes Iechyd a Lles. Roedd eu profiadau yn cynnwys canolbwyntio, teimladau yn y corff, gweithio gydag emosiynau, cydnabod a defnyddio’r synhwyrau a lot mwy. Maen nhw i gyd yn gallu ymuno mewn ymarferion amrywiol er mwyn cefnogu eu hiechyd meddwl a lles.
Bydd y plant yn parhau eu hymarfer meddylgarwch ym mlwyddyn 1, fel rhan o’n hymrwymiad i iechyd a lles disgyblion Ysgol Panteg. Ni yw’r ysgol gyntaf i ddysgu’r cwrs trwy gyfrwng Gymraeg.
Mae disgyblion arall wedi cwblhau cyrsiau meddylgarwch hefyd – ‘Paws b’ gyda Bl 3 a Bl 5, a ‘.breathe’ gyda Bl 6. Mae pedwar aelod o’n staff newydd gwblhau’r cwrs meddylgarwch ‘.dechrau’ ar gyfer oedolion – unwaith eto'r tro gyntaf yn y Gymraeg.

Wonder - Noson Ffilm
Neithiwr, cafodd ein plant Cam Cynnydd 3 noson ffilm er mwyn gwylio ffilm yn seiliedig ar lyfr y maent wedi bod yn ei astudio.
Mae ‘Wonder’ gan R.J. Palacio yn nofel galonogol sy’n procio’r meddwl ac sy’n archwilio thema empathi a derbyn eraill. Mae'r stori yn dilyn bachgen ifanc o'r enw August Pullman, a gafodd ei eni gyda gwahaniaethau wyneb sydd wedi ei wneud yn destun syllu a sibrwd. Mae'r llyfr yn ymchwilio i daith Auggie wrth iddo fynd i'r ysgol brif ffrwd am y tro cyntaf, gan wynebu heriau a buddugoliaethau ar hyd y ffordd.
Mae ‘Wonder’ yn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd caredigrwydd, tosturi, a dealltwriaeth mewn byd sy’n aml yn barnu ar sail ymddangosiadau. Trwy safbwyntiau lluosog, mae'r llyfr a’r ffilm yn archwilio effaith presenoldeb Auggie ar ei deulu, ei ffrindiau, a'r gymuned ysgol fwy. Mae'n annog ni i edrych y tu hwnt i farn arwynebol a chofleidio harddwch amrywiaeth.
Mae stori ‘Wonder’ yn atgof pwerus o’r gallu dynol i empathi a’r gallu i ddod o hyd i gryfder mewn adfyd. Mae wedi atseinio gyda darllenwyr o bob oed, gan hyrwyddo empathi, derbyniad, a'r ddealltwriaeth y dylem ddewis caredigrwydd yn anad dim arall.

Seremoni Graddio - Atgof
Cofiwch fod dydd Mercher nesaf (19eg) gennym ein seremoni graddio Blwyddyn 6.
I ateb ychydig o gwestiynau:
-Nid oes rhaid i chi archebu tocynnau ymlaen llaw. Mae gennym ni 150 o gadeiriau - felly ni allwn gael y teulu cyfan yn troi lan! Byddwch yn gall os gwelwch yn dda.
-Dylai plant wisgo gwisg ysgol. Yn amlwg, nid oes angen siwmperi porffor a byddwn yn annog pobl i beidio â’u gwisgo oherwydd gall fynd yn boeth yn y neuadd.
-Bydd y seremoni yn para tua 30 munud.
-Bydd lluniau swyddogol yn cael eu tynnu er eich bod hefyd yn rhydd i dynnu lluniau o'ch plentyn eich hun.
-Bydd y plant yn cael cyfle i fynd ymlaen i’r gwair ar y plaza i daflu eu hetiau i’r awyr!
-Yr amser cychwyn yw 1:45pm bydd drysau'n annog. Bydd y drysau'n agor am 1:30pm.
Mae'r tywydd i weld yn dda yfory! Felly, ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn bwrw ymlaen â mabolgampau yfory!
Dosbarthiadau Meithrin a Derbyn Prynhawn - Prynhawn dydd Mercher am 1:30pm
Blynyddoedd 1, 2 a 3 - Bore Mercher am 9:45yb
Rydym wir yn gobeithio y byddwn yn gallu cynnal y mabolgampau ar y dyddiau hyn! Ni fyddwn yn gadael i'r plant golli allan!
Datblygiad yr Ysgol
Fel cyhoeddais eisioes, ar ddydd Iau, 7fed o Fedi, am 4:00-5:00, rydym yn bwriadu cynnal sesiwn gyda’r nos lle byddwn yn casglu syniadau gennych chi, fel teuluoedd, o amgylch ein cynllun datblygu ysgol ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2023-2024. Bydd y sesiwn yn un rhyngweithiol lle byddaf yn cyflwyno rhai penawdau ac yna byddwn yn gofyn i deuluoedd symud i mewn i grwpiau i roi cymaint o syniadau ag y gallant ar gyfer sut y gallwn gydweithio i wella addysg i’n plant. Bydd arweinwyr wedyn yn defnyddio eich syniadau fel rhan o’n hymchwil i ddatblygu ein cynlluniau gweithredu ysgol ar gyfer gwelliant am y flwyddyn.
Mae hyn yn rhan allweddol o gael eich llais fel teuluoedd i'n helpu i gynllunio ar gyfer datblygiad. Ac, er mwyn i ni baratoi, rhowch wybod i ni eich bod yn dod trwy ddilyn y ddolen hon:

Diwrnodau Chwaraeon Urdd - Atgof
Dros y gwyliau, bydd yr Urdd yn rhedeg rhai clybiau. Isod dewch o hyd i fwrdd yn dangos lle mae'r dyddiau hyn yn digwydd. Unwaith eto, byddwn yn cynnal yr Urdd i redeg clybiau. Dilynwch y ddolen i lyfr!

Good afternoon!
YEARS 4, 5 AND 6
The Wizard of Oz
Thank you for your patience with the allocation of tickets. All tickets have now been allocated to families. If, for any reason, you do not need some of your tickets, please let us know so that we can give them to other families who requested extra tickets.
As you are all aware, we are expecting all Progress Step 3 children to remain behind next Monday. Please remember a snack or sandwiches for them to have before the evening show. Please let us know if you child cannot stay by the end of the week.

YEARS 3, 4 AND 5
Goodnight Mister Tom
As part of the children’s theme in September, called ‘To the Front Line’, we have arranged a trip to see a production of ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ at the Blackwood Theatre.
For Year 6, we will be going on Thursday, 7th of September in the evening. The coach will leave Ysgol Panteg at 6:15pm and will return at 10:00pm. Please ensure that you are at school by 6:00pm i order for the bus to leave promptly.
For Year 4 and 5, we have managed to arrange a special viewing on Saturday, 9th of September. The coach will leave Ysgol Panteg at 1:15pm and will return at 5:00pm. Please ensure that you are at school by 1:00pm i order for the bus to leave promptly.
The cost of this trip is £17. We will require full payment by September 4th at 10:00am. After this time, we will not be able to hold any tickets as they will get released back to the theatre for the public to purchase. There is a 10% discount for those in receipt of Pupil Development Grant (Free School Meals).
This is now live on Civica Pay. If you are having any difficulty paying , technical or otherwise, please let us know as soon as possible.

Open Evening - Help Us Spread the Word!
As you will know by now, we have our upcoming School Open Evening on Thursday! This event is a great opportunity for prospective families to experience the welcoming atmosphere, facilities and dedicated staff that make Ysgol Panteg such a special place.
We kindly request your assistance in spreading the word about our School Open Evening. Your personal recommendation and word-of-mouth can have a powerful impact in reaching families who might be searching for the perfect educational fit for their children.
Here are a few simple ways you can help us:
1. Share the event details: Post about the School Open Evening on your social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Include the date, time, and a brief description highlighting what makes our school unique.
2. Tell your friends, neighbours, and colleagues: Talk to people in your community who might be interested in exploring a school that prioritises wellbeing and academic excellence and a supportive environment. Share your positive experiences and encourage them to attend.
We are sending home some more leaflets tonight since a number of you have asked for more.
Remember, your advocacy and enthusiasm can make a significant difference in helping us reach families who would thrive within our school's environment. Let's work together to build an even stronger community of learners!
Thank you for your ongoing support. We look forward to welcoming new families to our School Open Evening and showcasing the wonderful educational opportunities we provide.

Free School Meals for New Children - Reminder
In Wales, we a very lucky to have free school meals for all pupils in Primary schools. For families with children moving into Reception, in order to receive this free school meal provision, you must fill out the following form:
(This link is different from the one for our current Year 3, 4 and 5 children.)
Please do this as soon as possible so that our catering team can arrange appropriately for September. Even if you think you will send in packed lunches please still fill it out because there might be that one day when you want a hot lunch for your child. Once you have filled out this form, you are signed up for their whole time at our school.
Free School Meals for Older Children - Reminder
You will already know that children from Reception to Year 2 receive free school meals. Well, from September everyone in primary schools will receive free school meals. However, Torfaen need you to fill out a form:
(This link is different from the one for new Reception children.)
Please do this as soon as possible so that our catering team can arrange appropriately for September. Even if you think you will send in packed lunches please still fill it out because there might be that one day when you want a hot lunch for your child. Once you have filled out this form, you are signed up for their whole time at our school.

Mindfulness Course
The reception classes at Ysgol Panteg have been awarded their certificates after completing the ‘dots’ mindfulness course. They had so much fun throughout the 30 sessions – activities, games, and most importantly, short mindfulness practices developed especially for 3-6 year olds. Amongst their favourite activities were Hugging Practice, Stamping Feet Practice, Teddy Breathing, and of course, Mindful Mouthful. The staff enjoyed the activities too!
The ’dots’ curriculum contributes to the four purposes of the new Curriculum for Wales as well as the Health and Wellbeing Area of Learning and Experience. Their experience included concentrating, feelings in the body, working with emotions, recognising and using the senses and lots more. They can all join in various practices in order to support their mental health and wellbeing.
The children will be continuing ther mindfulness practice in Year 1 as part of our commitment to the health and wellbeing of Ysgol Panteg pupils. We are the first school to teach the course through the medium of Welsh.
Other pupils have completed mindfulness courses too – ‘Paws b” for Y3 and Y5 and ‘.breathe’ with Y6. Four members of our staff have just completed ‘.dechrau’ (.begin) for adults – once again the first time in Welsh.

YEARS 4, 5 AND 6
Wonder - Film Night
Last night, our Progress Step 3 children had a film evening in order to watch a film based on a book they have been studying.
‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio is a heartwarming and thought-provoking novel and that explores the theme of empathy and acceptance. The story follows a young boy named August Pullman, who was born with facial differences that have made him the subject of stares and whispers. The book delves into Auggie's journey as he enters mainstream school for the first time, facing both challenges and triumphs along the way.
‘Wonder’ emphasises the importance of kindness, compassion, and understanding in a world that often judges based on appearances. Through multiple perspectives, the book and film examines the impact of Auggie's presence on his family, friends, and the larger school community. It encourages us to look beyond surface-level judgments and embrace the beauty of diversity.
The story of ‘Wonder’ serves as a powerful reminder of the human capacity for empathy and the ability to find strength in adversity. It has resonated with readers of all ages, promoting empathy, acceptance, and the understanding that we should choose kindness above all else.

Graduation - Reminder
Remember that next Wednesday (19th) we have our Year 6 graduation.
-You do not have to pre-order tickets. We have 150 chairs - so we can’t have the whole family turning up! Please be sensible.
-Children should wear school uniform. Obviously, purple jumpers are not required and we will discourage people from wearing them because it can get hot in the hall.
-The ceremony will last around 30 minutes.
-There will be official photographs taken although you are also free to take photographs of your own child.
-The children will have an opportunity to go on to the grass in the plaza to throw their hats in the air!
-The start time is 1:45pm doors will prompt. Doors will open at 1:30pm.
Sports Day
The weather seems to be holding off tomorrow! So, at present this time, we are pushing ahead with tomorrow’s sports days!
Afternoon Nursery and Reception Classes - Wednesday Afternoon at 1:30pm
Years 1, 2 and 3 - Wednesday Morning at 9:45am
We really hope we will be able to hold the sports days on these days! We won’t let the children miss out!
School Development Evening
As previously announced, on Thursday, 7th of September, at 4:00-5:00, we plan on holding an evening session where we collect ideas from you, as families, around our school development plan for 2023-2024’s academic year. The session will be an interactive one where I will present some headlines and then we will ask families to move into groups to give as many ideas as they can for how we can work together to improve education for our children. Leaders will then use your ideas part of our research into developing our school action plans for improvement for the year.
This is a key part of getting your voice as families to help us plan for development. And, in order for us to prepare, please let us know you are coming by following this link:

Urdd Sports Days - Reminder
Over the holiday, the Urdd will be running some clubs. Below find a table showing where these days are happening. Once again, we will be hosting the Urdd to run clubs. Please follow the link to book!
