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Bwletin y Pennaeth - 15.11.2022 - Heads Bulletin


Annwyl Deuluoedd,


Hawliau Plant UNICEF

Yn Ysgol Panteg, fel y gwyddoch, rydym wedi gwneud ymrwymiad i addysgu ein plant a chymuned ehangach yr ysgol am hawliau’r plentyn. Mae gennym ni (ysgol a chartref) gyfrifoldeb i sicrhau bod hawliau'r plant yn cael eu bodloni.

Yr wythnos hon rydym yn canolbwyntio ar sut y dylai addysg weithio. Mae 29ain Erthygl UNICEF yn nodi:

“Rhaid i addysg ddatblygu personoliaeth, doniau a galluoedd pob plentyn yn llawn. Rhaid iddo annog parch y plentyn at hawliau dynol, yn ogystal â pharch at ei rieni, ei ddiwylliannau ei hun a diwylliannau eraill, a’r amgylchedd.”

Mae addysg, rwy’n credu, yn ymdrech ar y cyd rhwng y teulu a’r ysgol. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, er mwyn datblygu addysg gyflawn, mae rhai nodweddion y mae angen inni eu hyrwyddo fel cymuned ysgol a fydd yn datblygu plant yn ddysgwyr gydol oes ac yn ddinasyddion byd-eang:



Fod yn ymholgar / chwilfrydedd

Ymwybyddiaeth fyd-eang


Y gallu i rannu

Y gallu i wrando


Mynd yn mhellach na’r gofyn


Meddwl agored

Ymwybyddiaeth o'ch gwendidau eich hun

Parch/Ystyried eraill



Fel staff, rydym wedi ymrwymo i baratoi pobl ifanc i fod yn ddinasyddion byd-eang rhagorol sy'n arddangos y rhinweddau hyn yn eu bywydau bob dydd ac felly'n mynd ymlaen i wneud cyfraniad eithriadol i'n byd. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, mae Ysgol Panteg wedi ymrwymo i ennill cydnabyddiaeth gan UNICEF fel ‘Ysgol sy’n Parchu Hawliau’.


Digwyddiadau a Thocynnau Nadolig

Yr wythnos diwethaf, derbyniasoch ein calendr Nadolig. Ac, fel yr addawyd, mae'r dull talu bellach nawr ar Civica Pay. Yr hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud nawr yw mynd drwy'r cynllun a gweld pa rannau sy'n berthnasol i chi.

Ar gyfer y Cyngherddau Nadolig, mae dau ar gyfer pob Cam Cynnydd. Felly, byddwch yn ymwybodol o hynny pan fyddwch yn archebu tocynau.

-Cam Cynnydd 3: Dydd Gwener, 2il o Ragfyr am 11:15 ac am 1:15.

-Cam Cynnydd 2: Dydd Iau, 8fed o Ragfyr am 10:30 a 2:00

-Cam Cynnydd 1: Dydd Iau, 15fed o Ragfyr am 10:30 (ar gyfer y Derbyn a Meithrin y Bore) a 2:00 ar gyfer (Derbyn a Meithrin Hwyrol).


Wythnos Gwrth-fwlio

Dros yr wythnos, rydym yn dysgu am wahanol elfennau i wrth-fwlio. Ddoe, fe wnaethom ganolbwyntio ar garedigrwydd. Heddiw yw ‘Gwahaniaeth yw Cyfoeth’. Dros weddill yr wythnos, byddwn yn canolbwyntio ar ‘Na i Fwlio!’, ‘Ni fyddaf yn Cymryd Rhan mewn Bwlio’ a ‘Gwydnwch’. Cafwyd disgrifiad llawnach yn y bwletin ddydd Gwener diwethaf. Fel bob amser, os ydych chi eisiau trafod unrhyw beth, rydw i bob amser yn barod i drafod ac felly hefyd fy nhîm.


Plant Mewn Angen - ATGOF OLAF

Ddydd Gwener, 18fed o Dachwedd (dydd Gwener yma) rydym yn cynnal ein diwrnod Plant Mewn Angen. Y thema ar gyfer eleni yw Spot-taciwlaidd! Ar y diwrnod hwn, gall plant ddod yn eu dewis eu hunain o ddillad. Rydym yn annog plant i wisgo rhywbeth dotiog neu dotiau paent ar eu hwynebau. Gofynnwn i bawb roi cyfraniad o £1. Rydym yn deall bod costau byw wedi newid yn sylweddol dros y misoedd diwethaf, felly rhowch os gallwch chi ei fforddio. Ein haddewid yw na fydd unrhyw blentyn yn colli allan ar weithgareddau’r dydd os na allant gyfrannu.



Heddiw, tynnwyd ein lluniau fel unigolion a brodyr a chwiorydd. Bydd y rhain nawr yn cymryd ychydig ddyddiau i'w prosesu. Bydd ffotograffiaeth Tempest wedyn yn rhoi dolen i ni i rannu lle gallwch chi fynd ar-lein i archebu. Felly, gofynnwn yn garedig i chi fod yn amyneddgar gyda ni - cyn gynted ag y bydd gennym wybodaeth, byddwn mewn cysylltiad â theuluoedd.


Asesiadau WellComm

Yr wythnos diwethaf, fe wnaethom anfon lythyr adref a chopi o gamau nesaf eich plentyn o ran eu sgiliau cymdeithasol a chyfathrebu. Peidiwch ag anghofio, os ydych am drafod hyn, gallwch anfon e-bost neu neges ClassDojo at eich athrawes ddosbarth (Miss Browning, Miss Brown neu Miss Harley) i drefnu amser cyfleus i gwrdd neu cael sgwrs dros y ffôn.


Cyfarfod Bae Caerdydd

Peidiwch ag anghofio ein bod ni ddydd Iau yma, am 4:30, yn cynnal noson ‘Holi ac Ateb’ i’r rhai sy’n mynd i Fae Caerdydd. Bydd drysau’r neuadd yn agor am 4:20 a byddwn yn cychwyn unwaith y bydd plant wedi dod o’u clybiau (felly efallai y byddwn ni 2 neu 3 munud yn hwyrach na hanner awr wedi!)



UNICEF’s Children’s Rights

At Ysgol Panteg, as you know, we have made a commitment to teach our children and the wider school community about the rights of the child. We (school and home) have a responsibility to ensure the children's rights are met.

This week we are focusing on how education should work. UNICEF’s 29th Article states that:

“Education must develop every child's personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child's respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.”

Education, I believe, is a joint effort between family and school. With this in mind, to develop a fully rounded education, there are some characteristics that we need to be promote and champion as a school community which will develop children into lifelong learners and global citizens:




Global awareness


Ability to share

Ability to listen


Going the extra mile



Awareness of own weaknesses

Respect/Consideration of others



As staff, we are committed to preparing young people to be outstanding global citizens who demonstrate these qualities in their everyday lives and thereby go on to make an exceptional contribution to our world. It is with this in mind that Ysgol Panteg is committed to achieving recognition from UNICEF as a ‘Rights Respecting School’.


Christmas Events and Tickets

Last week, you received our Christmas calendar. And, as promised, the method of payment is now up on Civica Pay. What we need you to do now is to go through the plan and see which bits are relevant to you.

For the Christmas Concerts, there are two for each Progress Step. So, please be mindful of that when you book.

-Progress Step 3: Friday, 2nd of December at 11.15 and at 1.15.

-Progress Step 2: Thursday, 8th of December at 10:30 and 2.00

-Progress Step 1: Thursday, 15th of December at 10:30 (for Reception and the Morning Nursery) and 2:00 for (Reception and the Evening Nursery).


Anti-Bullying Week

Over the course of the week, we are teaching about different elements to anti-bullying. Yesterday, we focused on kindness. Today is ‘Difference is Richness’. Over the rest of the week, we will be focusing on

‘No to Bullying!’, ‘I Will Not Take Part in Bullying’ and ‘Resilience’. A fuller description was given in last Friday’s bulletin. As always, if you want to discuss anything, I am always willing to discuss and so are my team.


Children in Need - LAST REMINDER

On Friday, 18th of November (this Friday) we are holding our Children in Need day. The theme for this year is Spot-tacular! On this day, children can come in their own choice of clothes. We are encouraging children to wear something dotty or face paint dots on their face. We are asking everyone to give a donation of £1. We understand that the cost of living has significantly changed over the last few months, so please give if you can afford it. Our pledge is that no child will miss out on they day’s activities if they can’t donate.



Today, we had our photographs taken as individuals and siblings. These will now take a few days to process. Tempest photography will then supply us with a link to share where you can go online to order. So, please bear with us - as soon as we have information, we will be in contact with families.


WellComm Assessments

Last week, we sent home a letter and a copy of your child’s next steps in regard to their social and communication skills. Don’t forget that if you want to discuss this, you can send an email or ClassDojo message to your class teacher (Miss Browning, Miss Brown or Miss Harley) to arrange a mutually convenient time.


Cardiff Bay Meeting

Don’t forget that this Thursday, at 4:30, we are holding a ‘Question and Answer’ evening for those going to Cardiff Bay. Hall doors will open at 4:20 and we will start once children have come from their clubs (so we might be 2 or 3 minutes later than half past!)


Training Days

This is just a quick reminder that we have 2 training days coming up following the Christmas break. This means, as previously announced, there is no school for pupils on the 9th and 10th of January. However, children will return on Wednesday, 11th of January, 2023.

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