Bore da Teuluoedd,
Rwy’n hynod falch heddiw i allu rhannu canlyniadau ein harolygiad diweddar gan Estyn gyda chi. Rydyn ni wedi bod mor gyffrous i allu rhannu’r adroddiad hwn oherwydd y cyfan mae’n ei ddweud am Ysgol Panteg. Fel Pennaeth yr ysgol, rwyf y tu hwnt i falchder gyda phob unigolyn yn ein teulu – plant, aelodau teuluoedd a’r staff llawn. Mae’r adroddiad cynhwysfawr hwn yn adlewyrchu ymdrechion cydweithredol gan addysgwyr ymroddedig, plant brwdfrydig, a theuluoedd cefnogol, gan amlygu’r rhinweddau eithriadol sy’n diffinio ein hysgol.
Mae’r adroddiad yn tanlinellu ein hymrwymiad i ragoriaeth academaidd a gofal. Mae'r ysgol wedi dangos cwricwlwm cadarn sy'n tynnu ysbrydoliaeth. Canmolodd yr arolygwyr rai o'r dulliau addysgu arloesol a ddefnyddir gan ein staff, gan feithrin amgylchedd dysgu deinamig a deniadol.

Un o nodweddion amlwg yr adroddiad arolygu yw'r gydnabyddiaeth o'n hysgol fel cymuned ddysgu gynhwysol ac amrywiol gyda'n 'Pedwar Panteg' yn ganolog i bopeth a wnawn. Canmolodd yr arolygwyr ymdrechion Teulu Panteg i greu amgylchedd sy'n dathlu gwahaniaethau unigol a meithrin ymdeimlad o berthyn i bob plentyn. Mae’r adroddiad yn tynnu sylw at y systemau a’r cymorth cadarn sydd ar waith i gefnogi lles ac anghenion ychwanegol plant.

Mae'r adroddiad yn rhoi pwyslais sylweddol ar arweinyddiaeth ac ymrwymiad eithriadol ein staff. Canmolwyd y tîm arweinyddiaeth am eu gweledigaeth strategol, rheolaeth effeithiol, ac ymroddiad i welliant parhaus. Canmolwyd athrawon, cynorthwywyr dysgu a staff cefnogol am eu hangerdd, eu proffesiynoldeb, a’u gallu i ysbrydoli plant i gyflawni eu gorau. Nodwyd yr ysbryd o gydweithio ymhlith aelodau'r staff fel ffactor allweddol sy'n cyfrannu at lwyddiant yr ysgol. Ar nodyn bersonol, maen fraint diolch i Mr. Tom Rainsbury, dirprwy yr ysgol, am ei gefnogaeth ddiflino dros y flynyddoedd diwethaf. Daw arweinyddiaeth yn Ysgol Panteg ar gymaint o wahanol lefelau – o’r Uwch Dîm Arwain i Arweinwyr Canol i Athrawon i Gynorthwywyr– ond fy neges yw ein bod i gyd yn arweinwyr dysgu.

Mae’r adroddiad yn cydnabod y rôl hollbwysig y mae aelodau’r teulu yn ei chwarae yn nhaith addysgol eu plant – roedd hyn yn amlwg o’u cyfarfod cychwynnol gyda rhieni. Canmolwyd yr ysgol am ei strategaethau cyfathrebu effeithiol, gan gynnwys rhieni yn addysg eu plentyn. Amlygwyd cyfarfodydd rhieni-athrawon rheolaidd, gweithdai llawn gwybodaeth, a system adborth dryloyw fel arferion rhagorol sy’n meithrin partneriaeth gref rhwng yr ysgol a rhieni.
Mae Huw Coburn, ein Cadeirydd Llywodraethwyr, ynghyd â’n Corff Llywodraethol wedi bod yn ffynhonnell gadarn o gefnogaeth i’r ysgol ar adegau da a drwg. Ni fyddai’r ysgol hon lle y mae heddiw heb eu cefnogaeth. Mae Huw yn ysgrifennu:
“Rwy’n falch ac yn falch iawn i rannu ein hadroddiad arolygu ysgolion Estyn gyda chi heddiw. Mae'r adroddiad yn fewnwelediad gwych i'r cynnydd yr ydym wedi'i wneud fel ysgol a chymuned wrth i ni aeddfedu a thyfu ers yr arolygiad diwethaf yn 2014. Fel cadeirydd y llywodraethwyr ers 2020, rwyf wedi gweld â'm llygaid fy hun pa mor galed mae pob aelod o staff wedi gweithio i gyflwyno addysg, gofal a chymorth o’r ansawdd uchaf i’n disgyblion yn ystod rhai o’r cyfnodau mwyaf heriol yr ydym wedi’u hwynebu. Fel y prifathro, mae Dr Williamson-Dicken, sy’n (rwy’n dyfynnu) ‘darparu arweinyddiaeth ysbrydoledig’ ers ei benodiad yn 2021 a hoffwn cymryd y cyfle i ddweud diolch o’r galon am bopeth y mae wedi’i wneud i ddarparu’r cyfeiriad, anogaeth a gweledigaeth yr oedd angen ar yr ysgol. Wrth edrych i’r dyfodol, roedd yr ysgol eisoes wedi adnabod yr argymhellion a amlinellwyd gan Estyn a bydd yn gweithio’n ddiflino tuag at gyflawni’r rhain yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd hon.”

Ynghlwm wrth yr e-bost hwn – ac ar gael ar wefan Estyn – fe welwch gopïau Cymraeg a Saesneg o adroddiad yr ysgol. Ceir adroddiad diweddaru byr ac adroddiad arolygu llawn. Mae'r adroddiadau'n amlygu ein cryfderau a dau argymhelliad ar gyfer gwella yr ydym wedi bod yn gweithio arnynt ers mis Medi (hyd yn oed cyn yr arolygiad). Gwelliant parhaus yw ein nod ac, fel y cyfryw, nid diwedd taith yw adroddiad arolygu da fel y’i cyhoeddwyd heddiw – ond dechrau’r bennod nesaf a nodweddir gan ddatblygiad cyson a phenderfynol o ofal, cymorth ac addysg rydym yn eu darparu.

Yr wythnos hon, byddwn yn cyhoeddi, ar ein sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol, bytiau allweddol o’r adroddiad sy’n dangos cryfderau’r ysgol. Rhannwch y rhain i annog plant eraill i ymuno â'n hysgol a'n helpu ni cryfhau enw da ein teulu ysgol.
Fel y cyhoeddwyd yn flaenorol, ddydd Mercher, 29ain Tachwedd am 4:30yp (yr wythnos hon) byddaf yn rhoi cyflwyniad i deuluoedd ar yr adroddiad arolygu, gan amlygu camau nesaf ein taith a chymryd cwestiynau am yr adroddiad arolygu. Bydd Huw Coburn, ein Cadeirydd Llywodraethwyr, hefyd yn y digwyddiad hwn a bydd yn falch o siarad â chi i ateb unrhyw gwestiynau. Rhowch wybod i ni eich bod yn dod trwy gofrestru gan ddefnyddio'r ffurflen ganlynol: https://forms.gle/dpMp3jjX9YVd94Fo6
Os hoffech gopi papur o'r adroddiad hwn, rhowch wybod i ni a byddwn yn rhoi copi i chi.
Gyda diolchiadau,
Dr. Matthew James Williamson-Dicken, MA(Ed), PGCert, BA(Hons)
Pennaeth | Head
Good morning Families,
I am extremely proud today to be able to share with you the results of our recent Estyn inspection. We’ve been so excited to be able to share this report because of all it says about Ysgol Panteg. As the Headteacher of the school, I am beyond proud of every single individual in our family – child, family members, and staff. This comprehensive report reflects the culmination of collaborative efforts from dedicated educators, motivated children, and supportive families, highlighting the exceptional qualities that define our school.
The report underscores our commitment to academic excellence and care. The school has demonstrated a robust curriculum that draws inspires. The inspectors commended some of the innovative teaching methods employed by our staff, fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

One of the standout features of the inspection report is the recognition of our school as an inclusive and diverse learning community with our ‘Panteg Four’ at the heart of all we do.. Inspectors praised Teulu Panteg’s efforts in creating an environment that celebrates individual differences, fostering a sense of belonging for every child. The report highlights the robust systems and support that are in place to support children’s wellbeing and additional needs.

The report places significant emphasis on the exceptional leadership and commitment of our staff. The leadership team was commended for their strategic vision, effective management, and dedication to continuous improvement. Teachers, teaching assistants and support staff were praised for their passion, professionalism, and ability to inspire children to achieve their best. The collaborative spirit among staff members was noted as a key factor contributing to the school's success. On a personal note, it is a privilege to thank Mr. Tom Rainsbury, the school deputy, for his tireless support over the last few years. Leadership at Ysgol Panteg comes at so many different levels – from the Senior Leadership Team to Middle Leaders to Teachers to Assistants – but my message is that we are all leaders of learning.

The report recognises the crucial role family members play in the educational journey of their children – this was obvious from their initial meeting with parents. The school was commended for its effective communication strategies, involving parents in their child's education. Regular parent-teacher meetings, informative workshops, and a transparent feedback system were highlighted as exemplary practices fostering a strong partnership between the school and parents.
Huw Coburn, our Chair of Governors, along with our Governing Body has been solid source of support to the school in good times and in bad. This school would not be where it is today without their support. Huw writes:
“I’m proud and delighted to share with you our Estyn school inspection report today. The report is a fantastic insight into the progress we have made as a school and community as we’ve matured and grown since the last inspection in 2014. As chair of governors since 2020, I have seen first-hand how hard every single member of staff has worked to deliver the highest quality education, care and support to our pupils during some of the most trying and challenging periods we have faced. As head teacher, Dr Williamson-Dicken, has, and I quote ‘provided inspirational leadership’ since his appointment in 2021 and would like to take the opportunity to say ‘diolch o’r galon’ for all that he has done in providing the direction, encouragement and vision the school needed. Looking ahead, the school had already identified the recommendations outlined by Estyn and will be tirelessly working towards achieving these over the course of this academic year.”

Attached to this email – and available on Estyn’s website – you will find Welsh and English copies of the school report. There is a brief update report and the full inspection report. The reports highlight our strengths and two recommendations for improvement which we have been working on since September (even before the inspection). Continuous improvement is our goal and, as such, a good inspection report as has been published today, is not the end of a journey – but the beginning of the next chapter which is characterised by consistent and determined development of the care, support and education we provide.

This week, we will be publishing, on our social media channels key snippets of the report that show the strengths of the school. Please share these to encourage other children to join our school and help us get the good word out about our school family.
As previously announced, on Wednesday, 29th of November at 4:30pm (this week) I will be giving a presentation to families on the inspection report, highlighting the next steps of our journey and taking questions about the inspection report. Huw Coburn, our Chair of Governors, will also be at this event and will be glad to speak to you to answer any questions. Let us know you are coming by signing up using the following form: https://forms.gle/dpMp3jjX9YVd94Fo6
If you would like a paper copy of this report, please let us know and we will provide you with a copy.
With thanks,
Dr. Matthew James Williamson-Dicken, MA(Ed), PGCert, BA(Hons)Pennaeth | Head