Annwyl Deuluoedd,
Cyngerdd Carolau Nadolig Cam Cynnydd 3
Cawsom Gyngerdd Carolau Nadolig bendigedig ddoe ar gyfer Cam Cynnydd 3. Rydym mor falch o ymdrech y plant i gyd. Roedd hi mor dda eu gweld yn llawn brwdfrydedd ac egni (yn enwedig yn y fersiwn egnïol iawn o ‘O Deuwch Ffyddloniaid!’)
Bydd teuluoedd y grwpiau blwyddyn hyn wedi derbyn dolen i oriel ar-lein o ddelweddau i chi eu llawrlwytho. Mae’r rhain wedi’u gwirio ac yn caniatáu i ni gadw ein plant yn ddiogel – felly, rydym yn diolch i chi am beidio â thynnu lluniau yn ystod y cyngerdd.

I'r rhai sydd wedi archebu lluniau i'w danfon i'r ysgol, mae'r rhain bellach wedi'u dosbarthu. Rydym wedi eu didoli yn barod i'w casglu. Dewch i'r swyddfa i gasglu.

Adroddiadau Cynnydd Interim
Rydyn ni wedi dod i’r adeg honno o’r flwyddyn eto lle rydyn ni’n rhoi diweddariad i chi fel teuluoedd am gynnydd eich plentyn. Erbyn dydd Llun, byddwch wedi derbyn trosolwg yn amlinellu cynnydd eich plentyn ar draws gwahanol feysydd o’r cwricwlwm.
Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn giplun un dudalen i ategu’r wybodaeth a roddwyd i chi fel rhan o’n ‘Cyfarfodydd Cynnydd a Lles Disgyblion’. Mae’r ‘Cyfarfodydd Cynnydd a Lles Disgyblion’ nesaf i’w cynnal yn Nhymor y Gwanwyn. Bydd teuluoedd hefyd yn derbyn adroddiad llawn ym mis Ebrill ac adroddiad un dudalen terfynol cyn gwyliau'r Haf. Os oes gennych bryder, neu os hoffech drafod ymhellach, mae croeso i chi gysylltu ag athrawes eich plentyn a all drefnu galwad ffôn neu gyfarfod. Mae hyn oll yn rhan o’n haddewid i gadw mewn cysylltiad agos a rheolaidd â chi ynglŷn â chynnydd eich plentyn.
I rai teuluoedd, sy'n byw dros fwy nag un cartref, gallwn ddarparu copi ar gyfer pob person sydd â chyfrifoldeb rhiant. Os yw eich amgylchiadau wedi newid a bydd angen mwy nag un copi arnoch, rhowch wybod i ni trwy ClassDojo a gallwn ddarparu ail gopi.
Ar gyfer Cam Cynnydd 1 (Meithrin a Derbyn), rydym hefyd wedi cynnwys gwybodaeth o asesiad WellComm yr ydym wedi'i gwblhau. Pecyn cymorth lleferydd ac iaith yw Wellcomm sydd wedi’i gynllunio i asesu sgiliau lleferydd ac iaith plant. Nid sut maen nhw'n siarad ond yr iaith maen nhw'n ei defnyddio a'r iaith a gramadeg maen nhw'n ei deall. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ac esboniad yn y pecyn, fodd bynnag, rydym wedi darparu camau nesaf eich plentyn a rhai taflenni gwybodaeth a all eich helpu gartref i ddeall sut i weithio ar rai o’u camau nesaf.
Fel bob amser, os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau neu bryderon neu’n dymuno siarad ag athro/athrawes eich plentyn, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â nhw i drefnu galwad ffôn neu gyfarfod. Byddant yn fwy na pharod i drefnu gyda chi.

Digwyddiadau Nadolig’r Wythnos Nesaf
Dydd Llun (11/12) - BLYNYDDOEDD 1, 2 A 3: Cam Cynnydd 2, Ymarfer Gwisg Sioe Nadolig
Dydd Llun - PAWB: Adroddiad Interim ar Gynnydd Plant (1 dudalen) yn mynd allan i deuluoedd
Dydd Llun - BLWYDDYN 4: Pobi Nadolig (yn ystod oriau ysgol, dim cost ychwanegol)
Dydd Mawrth (12/12) – BLYNYDDOEDD 1, 2 A 3: Cam Cynnydd 2 Sioe Nadolig yn Neuadd yr Ysgol. Bydd perfformiad bore (10:15am) a pherfformiad prynhawn (1:45pm).
Dydd Mawrth - BLWYDDYN 5: Pobi Nadolig (yn ystod oriau ysgol, dim cost ychwanegol
Dydd Mercher (13/12) - DERBYN A MEITHRIN - Cam Cynnydd 1, Ymarfer Gwisg Sioe Nadolig
Dydd Mercher - PAWB: Cystadleuaeth Cacen Nadolig (teuluoedd i wneud ac addurno cacennau bach a'u cyflwyno i'n cegin i'w beirniadu - mynediad olaf am 9:00am)
Dydd Mercher - BLWYDDYN 6: Pobi Nadolig (yn ystod oriau ysgol, dim cost ychwanegol)
Dydd Iau (14/12) – DERBYN A MEITHRIN Cam Cynnydd 1, Sioe Nadolig yn Neuadd yr Ysgol. Bydd perfformiad bore (10:15am) a pherfformiad prynhawn (1:45pm).
Dydd Gwener (15/12) - BLYNYDDOEDD 1, 2 A 3 Te Prynhawn gyda Siôn Corn ar gyfer Cam Cynnydd 2 (yn ystod oriau ysgol, dim cost ychwanegol)
Dydd Gwener - MEITHRIN A DERBYN: Amser Stori gyda Mrs. Claus a Cookie Addurno ar gyfer Cynnydd Cam 1 (yn ystod oriau ysgol, dim cost ychwanegol)

Cystadleuaeth Cacennau’r Nadolig - Atgof
Fel y byddwch wedi gweld ar y calendr Nadolig, yr wythnos nesaf mae gennym Cystadleuaeth Cacennau Bach y Nadolig! (Christmas Cupcakes). Ar Ddydd Mercher, Rhagfyr 13eg am 9:00yb, bydd y gegin yn ein helpu i feirniadu cystadleuaeth coginio eleni. Mae gennym ddau gategori o wobrau: bydd gwobr gyntaf, ail a thrydydd am gacennau cwpan cartref sydd hefyd wedi’u haddurno. Mae gwobr gyntaf, ail a thrydedd wobr hefyd ar gyfer y cacennau hynny sydd wedi’u prynu a’u haddurno gartref.
-Sicrhewch eich bod wedi labelu enw eich plentyn yn glir ar y bocs y mae’r cacennau’n cael eu cludo ynddo.
-Gwnewch yn siŵr ei bod yn glir ai cacennau a brynwyd yn y siop yw’r rhain sydd wedi’u haddurno gartref neu a yw’r gacen yn gacen cartref hefyd.
-I gystadlu, darparwch rhwng 4 a 6 cacen fach. (Os ydych chi'n gwneud mwy na 6 - gallwch chi eu bwyta cyn!)
-Thema'r addurniadau yn syml yw'r Nadolig neu'r Gaeaf.
Amser pobi hapus!

Diolch i'r rhai a ddaeth i'n cyfarfod CRhA ddydd Mawrth. Criw bach ddaeth i’r cyfarfod – felly yn bendant mae angen mwy o wirfoddolwyr i helpu! Cadwch lygad ar dudalen Facebook Ffrindiau Panteg lle byddant yn hysbysebu am fwy o gefnogaeth. Mae nifer o ddigwyddiadau wedi’u cynllunio ar gyfer 2024 – ac er mwyn i’r rhain fynd rhagddynt, bydd angen cefnogwyr a gwirfoddolwyr arnom!
Yn y cyfarfod hwn sefydlwyd pwyllgor newydd:
Cadeirydd - Cathy Mogg
Is-Gadeirydd - Emilie Davies
Trysorydd - Ben Mogg
Ysgrifennydd - Daniel Arthur

YEARS 4, 5 AND 6
Progress Step 3’s Christmas Carol Concert
We had a wonderful Christmas Carol Concert yesterday for Progress Step 3. We are so proud of all the children’s effort. It was so good to see them so enthused and energised (especially during the very upbeat version of ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’!)
Families of these year groups will have received a link to an online gallery of images for you to download. These have been checked and allow us to keep safe - so, we thank you for not taking photos during the concert.

For those who have ordered photographs to be delivered to the school, these have now been delivered. We have sorted them ready for collection. Please come to the office to collect.

Interim Progress Reports
We’ve come to that time of the year again where we give an update to you as families about the progress of your child. By Monday, you will have received an overview outlining your child’s progress across different areas of the curriculum.
This is report is a one-page snapshot to supplement the information given to you as part of our ‘Pupil Progress and Wellbeing Meetings’. The next ‘Pupil Progress and Wellbeing Meetings’ are due to be held in the Spring Term. Families will also receive a full report in April and a final one-page report before the Summer holidays. If you have a concern, or you wish to discuss further, you are welcome to contact your child’s teacher who can arrange a telephone call or a meeting. This is all part of our promise to keep in close and regular contact with you about the progress of your child.
For some families, who live over more than one household, we can provide a copy for each person with parental responsibility. If your circumstances have changed and you will need more than one copy, please let us know via ClassDojo and we can provide a second copy.
For Progress Step 1 (Nursery and Reception), we have also included information from a WellComm assessment that we have completed. Wellcomm is a speech and language toolkit that is designed to assess children’s speech and language skills. Not how they talk but the language they use and the language and grammar they understand. There is further information and explanation in the pack, however, we have provided you with your child’s next steps and some information sheets which can help you at home understand how to work on some of their next steps.
As always, if you have any queries or concerns or simply wish to speak to your child’s teacher, please don’t hesitate to contact them to arrange a phone call or a meeting. They will be more than happy to arrange with you.

Next Week’s Christmas Events
Monday (11/12) - YEARS 1, 2 AND 3: Progress Step 2 Christmas Show Dress Rehearsal
Monday - EVERYONE: Interim Report on Children’s Progress (1 page) going out to families)
Monday - YEAR 4: Christmas Baking (during school hours, no extra cost)
Tuesday (12/12) - YEARS 1, 2 AND 3: Progress Step 2 Christmas Show at the School Hall. There will be a morning performance (10:15am) and an afternoon performance (1:45pm).
Tuesday - YEAR 5: Christmas Baking (during school hours, no extra cost
Wednesday (13/12) - RECEPTION AND NURSERY: Progress Step 1 Christmas Show Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday - EVERYONE: Christmas Cupcake Competition (families to make and decorate cupcakes and submit for our kitchen to judge - last entry at 9:00am)
Wednesday - YEAR 6: Christmas Baking (during school hours, no extra cost)
Thursday (14/12) - RECEPTION AND NURSERY: Progress Step 1 Christmas Show at the School Hall. There will be a morning performance (10:15am) and an afternoon performance (1:45pm).
Friday (15/12) - YEARS 1, 2 AND 3: Afternoon Tea with Father Christmas for Progress Step 2 (during school hours, no extra cost)
Friday - NURSERY AND RECEPTION: Storytime with Mrs. Claus and Cookie Decorating for Progress Step 1 (during school hours, no extra cost)

Christmas Cupcake Competition - Reminder
As you will have seen on the Christmas calendar, next week we have a Christmas Cupcake Competition! On Wednesday, 13th of December at 9:00am, the kitchen will be helping us to judge this year’s cooking competition. We have two categories of prizes: there will be a first, second and third prize for homemade cupcakes that have also been decorated. There is also a first, second and third prize for those cakes that have been bought and decorated at home.
-Please ensure you have labelled you child’s name clearly on the box that the cupcakes are transported in.
-Make sure it is clear whether these are shop bought cakes that have been decorated at home or if the cake is homemade too.
-To enter, please supply between 4 and 6 cupcakes. (If you make any more than 6 - you can eat them before!)
-The theme of the decoration is simply Christmas or Winter.
Happy baking!

Thank you to those who came to our PTA meeting on Tuesday. It was a small group who came to the meeting - so we definitely need more volunteers to help! Keep an eye on Ffrindiau Panteg’s Facebook page where they will be advertising for more support. There are a number of events planned for 2024 - and for these to go ahead, we will need supporters and volunteers!
At this meeting a new committee was established:
Chair - Cathy Mogg
Vice Chair - Emilie Davies
Treasurer - Ben Mogg
Secretary - Daniel Arthur
