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Araith Seremoni Raddio Dr. Williamson-Dicken / Dr. Williamson-Dicken's Graduation Speech 17/07/2023

Prynhawn da a Croeso,

Boneddigion a boneddigesau, rhieni balch ac aelodau o'r teulu ac, yn bwysicaf oll, plant anhygoel ein dosbarth graddio ym Mhanteg yn 2023, rydym wedi ymuno â'n gilydd i ddathlu'r achlysur pwysig hwn - eich graddio.

Yn gyntaf ac yn bennaf, llongyfarchiadau! Mae hwn yn ddiwrnod o fuddugoliaeth, yn benllanw blynyddoedd o waith caled, ymroddiad, a dyfalbarhad. Mae pob un ohonoch sy'n eistedd yma heddiw wedi dangos penderfyniad a gwydnwch aruthrol, gan oresgyn rhwystrau a gwthio ffiniau eich galluoedd. Wrth ichi groesi’r trothwy hwn, cofiwch nad diwedd y gamp hon ond dechrau pennod newydd yn eich bywydau.

Trwy gydol eich amser yma, rydych chi wedi datblygu nid yn unig gwybodaeth ond hefyd sgiliau bywyd amhrisiadwy. Rydych chi wedi dysgu pwysigrwydd cydweithio, meddwl yn feirniadol, a gallu i addasu. Rydych chi wedi darganfod pŵer empathi, caredigrwydd a thosturi. Bydd y rhinweddau hyn yn gwasanaethu fel eich goleuadau arweiniol wrth i chi lywio cymhlethdodau'r byd a dilyn eich breuddwydion.

Ond wrth ichi fentro i’r cam nesaf hwn, fe’ch anogaf i gofio nad yw llwyddiant yn cael ei fesur gan gyflawniadau personol yn unig. Mae hefyd yn cael ei fesur gan yr effaith gadarnhaol a gawn ar eraill. Cofleidiwch gyfleoedd i ddyrchafu’r rhai o’ch cwmpas, i fod yn ffagl gobaith ac ysbrydoliaeth. Byddwch y newid rydych chi am ei weld yn y byd, oherwydd trwy ein gweithredoedd rydyn ni'n llunio dyfodol mwy disglair.

Wrth i chi gychwyn ar y daith hon, byddwch yn dod ar draws heriau, rhwystrau, ac amseroedd o hunan-amheuaeth. Ond cofiwch, yn yr eiliadau hyn y byddwch chi'n darganfod eich gwir gryfder. Cofleidiwch fethiant fel cam tuag at dwf a pheidiwch byth â cholli golwg ar eich breuddwydion. Credwch ynoch eich hunain, oherwydd yr ydych yn abl i gyflawni pethau anghygoel.

Yn olaf, cymerwch amser i fynegi eich diolchiadau. Diolchwch i'ch rhieni ac aelodau o'ch teulu, athrawon, cynorthwywyr addysgu, a ffrindiau sydd wedi eich cefnogi ar hyd y daith hon. Maen nhw wedi credu ynoch chi hyd yn oed pan oeddech chi'n amau eich hun, ac mae eu cefnogaeth ddiwyro wedi dod â chi at y garreg filltir hon.

I gloi, gadewch Ysgol Panteg ar ddiwedd yr wythnos hon, gyda gwybodaeth, sgiliau, ac angerdd tanbaid i wneud gwahaniaeth, cofiwch mai chi yw awduron eich straeon eich hun. Breuddwydiwch yn fawr, gweithiwch yn galed, a pheidiwch byth ag anghofio'r pŵer sydd gennych i newid bywydau.

Llongyfarchiadau, Dosbarth 2023. Boed i'ch dyfodol gael ei lenwi â chyfleoedd di-ben-draw a bydded i chi barhau i ysbrydoli a gadael marc annileadwy ar y byd.

Prynhawn da a Chroeso,

Ladies and gentlemen, , proud parents and family members and, most importantly, the incredible children of our Panteg’s graduating class of 2023, we have joined together to celebrate this momentous occasion - your graduation.

First and foremost, congratulations! This is a day of triumph, the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Each one of you sitting here today has demonstrated immense determination and resilience, overcoming obstacles and pushing the boundaries of your abilities. As you cross this threshold, remember that this achievement is not the end but the beginning of a new chapter in your lives.

Throughout your time here, you have acquired not only knowledge but also invaluable life skills. You have learned the importance of collaboration, critical thinking, and adaptability. You have discovered the power of empathy, kindness, and compassion. These qualities will serve as your guiding lights as you navigate the complexities of the world and pursue your dreams.

But as you venture into this next phase, I urge you to remember that success is not solely measured by personal accomplishments. It is also measured by the positive impact we have on others. Embrace opportunities to uplift those around you, to be a beacon of hope and inspiration. Be the change you wish to see in the world, for it is through our actions that we shape a brighter future.

As you embark on this journey, you will encounter challenges, setbacks, and moments of self-doubt. But remember, it is in these moments that you discover your true strength. Embrace failure as a stepping stone to growth and never lose sight of your dreams. Believe in yourself, for you are capable of achieving greatness.

Lastly, take a moment to express your gratitude. Thank your parents and family members, teachers, teaching assistants, and friends who have supported you throughout this journey. They have believed in you even when you doubted yourself, and their unwavering support has brought you to this milestone.

In conclusion, leave Ysgol Panteg at the end of this week, armed with knowledge, skills, and a burning passion to make a difference, remember that you are the authors of your own stories. Dream big, work hard, and never forget the power you possess to change lives.

Congratulations, Dosbarth 2023. May your futures be filled with boundless opportunities and may you continue to inspire and leave an indelible mark on the world.



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