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Bwletin y Pennaeth - 15.03.2024 - Head's Bulletin



Annwyl Deuluoedd, 



Eisteddfod Pont-y-pŵl

Rydym mor falch o’r holl blant a fu’n clyweliad ac yna’n cynrychioli ein hysgol yn yr Eisteddfod ym Mhont-y-pŵl. Gwnaethant mor dda ac rydym mor falch o ba mor galed y bu iddynt weithio. O ganu unawd, canu grŵp a chorau i ddawnsio gwerin, canu piano a llefaru, roedden nhw’n gynrychiolwyr gwych o’n hysgol.




Cyflwyniad Y Cwsg Mawr

Allwch chi gredu bod y ‘Cwsg Mawr’ bron â chyrraedd! Yn digwydd yn syth ar ôl y Pasg (10fed i 12fed o Ebrill) bydd hwn yn ddigwyddiad anhygoel i bawb! Rydym yn cynnal noson wybodaeth ddewisol nos Iau nesaf am 4:30 yn neuadd yr ysgol. Byddwch eisoes wedi derbyn gwybodaeth trwy ClassDojo am hyn. Dyma gyfle i chi ofyn cwestiynau a chlywed mwy am yr hyn y bydd y plant yn ei wneud.



Archebion Colorfoto o 2023

Os gwnaethoch archebu lluniau gan Colorfoto yn ôl y llynedd a heb eu codi o'r swyddfa, plis trefnwch i'w casglu. Mae gennym ni nifer ar ôl o hyd y mae teuluoedd wedi'u harchebu a heb eu codi.



Parcio Ystyriol

Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi sicrhau eich bod yn parcio’n synhwyrol ac yn ofalus yn yr ysgol ac yn yr ardaloedd cyfagos. Rydym wedi cael cwynion gan drigolion lleol am unigolion yn parcio ar meysydd parcio neu'n rhwystro meysydd parcio preifat. Cofiwch fod gennym ffenestr godi i'ch cynorthwyo i godi. Mae'r drysau'n agor am 3:15 a gallwch chi godi rhwng 3:15 a 3:35. Mae hyn yn golygu nad oes angen i bawb godi am 3:15 a gallwn helpu'r gymuned leol gyda'n gofynion parcio.



Ysgol Ddi-gnau

Rydym ni yn Ysgol Panteg yn anelu at fod yn ysgol Ddi-Gnau. Nod yr ysgol yw amddiffyn plant sydd ag alergeddau i gnau ond sydd hefyd yn eu helpu, wrth iddynt dyfu i fyny, i gymryd cyfrifoldeb am ba fwydydd y gallant eu bwyta ac i fod yn ymwybodol o ble y gallent fod mewn perygl. Nid ydym yn caniatáu cnau na chynnyrch cnau mewn bocsys cinio ysgol gan fod gennym blant a staff ag alergeddau difrifol i gnau sy'n peryglu bywyd.


Dros yr wythnos ddiwethaf, rydym wedi gweld plant yn dod â mwy o fyrbrydau sy’n cynnwys cnau i mewn. Gallai hyn achosi adwaith anaffylactig a golygu bod yn rhaid i ni gael plentyn neu aelod o staff i ysbyty i gael triniaeth ar ôl rhoi pigiad epipen ar y safle. Mae hwn yn alergedd sy'n bygwth bywyd.


Mae ein polisi di-gnau yn golygu na ddylid dod â’r eitemau canlynol i’r ysgol:

-Pecynnau o gnau

-Menyn cnau daear neu frechdanau Nutella

-Barrau ffrwythau a grawnfwydydd sy'n cynnwys cnau

-Barrau siocled neu losin sy'n cynnwys cnau

-Rholiau hadau sesame (mae rhai plant sydd ag alergedd i gnau hefyd yn cael adwaith difrifol i sesame)

-Cacennau wedi'u gwneud â chnau

-Unrhyw brydau cartref ar gyfer pecynnau bwyd sydd wedi'u gwneud o gnau


Rwy’n gofyn i chi helpu ni i gadw pawb yn ddiogel trwy wirio unrhyw fwyd sy'n dod i'r ysgol. Yn ddelfrydol, rydym yn annog darn o ffrwyth ffres fel byrbryd i’r plant.



Adroddiadau Ysgol

Fel y gwyddoch o ohebiaeth flaenorol, byddwn yn dosbarthu adroddiadau cynnydd llawn ddydd Llun. Yn Ysgol Panteg, rydym yn gwneud yr adroddiadau hyn cyn y Pasg fel y gallwn ddarparu cyfleoedd i blant a theuluoedd weithio gyda ni i lwyddo yn y targedau a osodwyd. Ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn, fel yr ydym wedi gwneud dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, byddwn yn darparu trosolwg un dudalen o ddatblygiad eich plentyn a’i gynnydd tuag at ei dargedau.


Bydd yr adroddiad yn cynnwys nifer o adrannau:

1. Sylwadau Personol

2. Sylwadau’r Pennaeth (Ymddiheuriadau ymlaen llaw am fy llawysgrifen ofnadwy!)

3. Cynnydd mewn Annibyniaeth - fel un o'n Blaenoriaethau Datblygu Ysgol a maes y cytunodd Estyn y dylid canolbwyntio arno.

4. Cynnydd mewn Astudiaethau Ieithoedd, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu

5. Cynnydd mewn Astudiaethau Mathemateg a Rhifedd

6. Cynnydd mewn Astudiaethau Iechyd a Lles

7. Cynnydd mewn Astudiaethau Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg

8. Cynnydd mewn Astudiaethau Dyniaethau

9. Cynnydd mewn Astudiaethau Celfyddydau Mynegiannol


Ynghyd â hyn fe welwch lythyr eglurhaol a gwybodaeth am bresenoldeb eich plentyn.


Mae hyn yn dipyn o wybodaeth. Felly, NI FYDD bwletin ddydd Mawrth i roi mwy o amser i deuluoedd ddarllen adroddiad eu plentyn.


Yna, rydym wedi neilltuo peth amser ar ddydd Mercher ar ôl ysgol os hoffech wneud apwyntiad neu drefnu galwad ffôn gyda’ch athro dosbarth er mwyn trafod unrhyw bryderon neu ymholiadau sydd gennych. Os yw hyn yn rhywbeth yr hoffech chi o ganlyniad i'r adroddiad, cysylltwch â'ch athro dosbarth yn uniongyrchol trwy ClassDojo i drefnu.



Gwelliant Ysgol Barhaus

Yn Ysgol Panteg, rydym yn edrych yn barhaus i wella a mireinio ein hymarfer er mwyn rhoi’r addysg orau bosibl i bob plentyn. Eleni, fel y gwyddoch, mae gennym bum targed yr ydym yn gweithio arnynt ac rydym ar y trywydd iawn i gyrraedd pob un o’r rhain erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn academaidd.


Ein targedau yw:


Blaenoriaeth 1: Datblygu Darpariaeth Lles Holistig Strategol Ymhellach trwy ganolbwyntio ar greu a gweithredu Fframwaith Annibyniaeth, Gweithredu'r Rhaglen Lles Jig-so a Mireinio Protocolau Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol


Blaenoriaeth 2: Gwella Trylwyredd Darpariaeth Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg trwy Arbrofion, Prosiectau Codio a Meddwl Arluniol


Blaenoriaeth 3: Gwella Hyfedredd Darllen trwy'r Ysgol trwy Godi Proffil Darllen, Cynyddu Ymgysylltiad Teuluol a Gwella Canlyniadau


Blaenoriaeth 4: Datblygu Ymgysylltiad Diwylliannol ac Ieithyddol Cymraeg Ymhellach trwy ganolbwyntio ar Wobr Siarter Iaith Aur, Mentora Disgyblion a Chynllunio Thematig


Blaenoriaeth 5: Adeiladu Ymhellach ar Weithredu'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru trwy ddatblygiad proffesiynol staff sy'n canolbwyntio ar Feysydd Timau Dysgu a Phrofiad, gan weithio tuag at Wobr Hawliau Plant Arian UNICEF a gweithio tuag at Wobr Arian Athroniaeth i Blant


Mae gwelliant parhaus yn Ysgol Panteg yn hollbwysig ar gyfer cynnal safonau uchel o addysg a meithrin llwyddiant plant. Trwy gofleidio diwylliant o welliant parhaus, gall ysgolion addasu i anghenion esblygol plant, teuluoedd, staff, a’r gymuned. A dyna yw ein bwriadu pob tro.


Un agwedd hollbwysig ar welliant parhaus yw mireinio methodolegau addysgu. Mae ymchwil addysgol yn datgelu mewnwelediadau newydd yn gyson i arferion addysgu effeithiol, a rhaid i ysgolion integreiddio'r canfyddiadau hyn i'w cwricwlwm. Yn ein cynllun datblygu ysgol, rydym yn canolbwyntio ar roi strategaethau hyfforddi arloesol ar waith i sicrhau bod plant yn cael yr addysg fwyaf effeithiol a deniadol posibl.


Yr wythnos nesaf, byddaf yn ysgrifennu ychydig am ein ffocws UNICEF yn fwy manwl.



YEAR 1-6

Eisteddfod Pont-y-pŵl

We are so proud of all of the chidlren who auditioned and then represented our school at the Eisteddfod in Pontypool. They did so well and we are so please with how hard they worked. From solo singing, group singing and choirs to folk dancing, piano playing a recitations, they were brilliant representatives of our school.



Big Sleep Presentation

Can you believe that the ‘Big Sleep’ is nearly upon us! Happening straight after Easter (10th to 12th of April) this will be an amazing event for all! We are holding an optional information evening next Thursday at 4:30 in the school hall. You will have received information via ClassDojo already about this. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and to hear more about what the children will be doing.



Colorfoto Orders from 2023

If you ordered photographs from Colorfoto back last year and haven’t picked them up from the office, please arrange to pick them up. We have a number still left that families have ordered and haven’t picked up.


Mindful Parking

We kindly ask that you ensure that you park sensibly and carefully at the school and in the surrounding areas. We have had complaints from local residents about individuals parking on drives or blocking drive ways. Please remember that we have a pick up window to aid you with picking up. The doors open at 3:15 and you can pick up between 3:15 and 3:35. This means that not everyone needs to pick up at 3:15 and we can help the local community with our parking requirements.


Nut Free School

We at Ysgol Panteg aim to be a Nut-Free school. The school aims to protect children who have allergies to nuts yet also help them, as they grow up, to take responsibility as to what foods they can eat and to be aware of where they may be put at risk. We do not allow nuts or nut products in school lunch boxes since we have children and staff with severe, life-threatening allergies to nuts.


Over the last week, we’ve seen children bringing in more snacks that contain nuts. This could cause an anaphylactic reaction and mean that we have to get a child or staff member to a hospital to be treated after administering an epipen injection on site. This is a life-threatening allergy.


Our nut-free policy means that the following items should not be brought into school:

-Packs of nuts

-Peanut butter or Nutella sandwiches

-Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts

-Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts

-Sesame seed rolls (some children allergic to nuts also have a severe reaction to sesame)

-Cakes made with nuts

-Any home cooked meals for packed lunches that are made from nuts


My plea is please help us to keep everyone safe by checking any food brought in to school. Ideally, we encourage a piece of fresh fruit as the children’s snack.



School Reports

As you will know from previous correspondence, we are going to be giving out full progress reports on Monday. At Ysgol Panteg, we do these reports before Easter so that we can provide opportunities for children and families to work with us to succeed in the targets set. At the end of the year, as we have done for the past two years, we will be providing a one page overview of your child’s development and progress towards their targets.


The report will have a number of sections:

1. Personal Comments

2. Headteacher Comments (Apologies in advance for my terrible handwriting!)

3. Progress in Independence - as is one of our School Development Priorities and and area that Estyn agreed should be our focus.

4. Progress in Languages, Literacy and Communication Studies

5. Progress in Mathematics and Numeracy Studies

6. Progress in Health and Wellbeing Studies

7. Progress in Science and Technology Studies

8. Progress in Humanities Studies

9. Progress in Expressive Arts Studies


Along with this you will find a cover letter and information about your child’s attendance.


This is quite a lot of information. Therefore, there will be NO bulletin on Tuesday to give families more time to read their child’s report.


Then, we have allocated some time on Wednesday after school should you wish to make an appointment or arrange a phone call with your class teacher in order to discuss any concerns or queries you may have. If this is something you would like as a result of the report, please contact your class teacher directly through ClassDojo to arrange.



Continuous School Improvement

At Ysgol Panteg, we are continually looking to improve and refine our practice to give each child the best possible education we can. This year, as you will know, we have five targets we are working on and we are on track to meeting each of these by the end of the academic year.


Our targets are:


Priority 1: Further Develop Strategic Holistic Wellbeing Provision by focusing on the Creation and Implementation of an Independence Framework, Implementing the Jigsaw Wellbeing Programme and Refining Additional Learning Needs Protocols


Priority 2: Improve Rigour of Science and Technology Provision through Experiments, Coding and Design Thinking Projects


Priority 3: Improve Reading Proficiency throughout the School by Raising the Profile of Reading, Increasing Family Engagement and Improving Outcomes


Priority 4: Further Develop Welsh Cultural and Language Engagement by focusing on the Gold Siarter Iaith Award, Pupil Mentoring and Thematic Planning


Priority 5: Further Build upon the Implementation of the Curriculum for Wales through Staff Professional Development focused on Areas of Learning and Experience Teams, working towards the Silver UNICEF Children's Rights Award and working towards the Silver Philosophy for Children Award


Continuous improvement at Ysgol Panteg is paramount for maintaining high standards of education and fostering children’s success. By embracing a culture of ongoing enhancement, schools can adapt to the evolving needs of children, families, staff, and the community. And, that is our aim every time.


One crucial aspect of continuous improvement is the refinement of teaching methodologies. Educational research constantly uncovers new insights into effective teaching practices, and schools must integrate these findings into their curriculum. In our school development plan, we focus on implementing innovative instructional strategies to ensure that children receive the most effective and engaging education possible.


Next week, I will write a little about our UNICEF focus in more detail.


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