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Bwletin y Pennaeth - 16.06.2023 - Head's Bulletin


Annwyl Deuluoedd,


Cwis Eco | Eco Quiz

Rydym mor falch o’n tîm cwis eco a aeth i gystadlu yng Nghwis Amgylcheddol Cyngor Cymuned Pont-y-pŵl. Gwnaethant yn dda iawn ac wynebu rhai cwestiynau anodd iawn!

We are so proud of our eco quiz team whocompeted in Pontypool Community Council’s Environmental Quiz. They did really well and faced some really hard questions!


Ymweliad i Cheeky Monkey’s | Visit to Cheeky Monkey’s

Am amser anhygoel cafodd ein plant meithrin yn Cheeky Monkey’s! Mae'n rhaid eu bod nhw mor flinedig ar ôl cyrraedd adref! Chwarae yw un o’r dulliau pwysicaf o ddysgu ac mae’r math yma o chwarae yn wych ar gyfer datblygu sgiliau cymdeithasol. Teuluoedd derbyn: peidiwch ag anghofio bod ein dosbarthiadau Derbyn yn mynd ar eu taith Cheeky Monkey’s ddydd Mawrth!

What an amazing time our nursery children had at Cheeky Monkey’s! They must have been shattered when they got home! Play is one of the most important methods for learning and this type of play is great for developing social skills. Reception families: don’t forget that our Reception classes are going on their Cheeky Monkey’s trip on Tuesday!


Noson Agored i Deuluoedd Newydd | Open Evening for New Families

Mae angen eich help arnom i recriwtio plant ar gyfer ein dosbarthiadau derbyn 2024 a meithrin! Efallai y bydd hyn yn ymddangos ychydig yn hir i ffwrdd, ond mae angen i ni fod yn rhagweithiol fel cymuned! Helpwch ni i rannu'r neges am ein noson agored!

We need your help to recruit children for our Reception 2024 and Nursery classes! This might seem a long time away, but we need to be proactive as a community! Please help us to share the message about our open evening!


Cydweithrediad | Collaboration

Mae gweithio gydag eraill, boed hynny'n deuluoedd, ysgolion eraill, asiantaethau allanol, sefydliadau ymchwil, yr Awdurdod Lleol neu'r GCA, yn holl bwysig i ni ym Mhanteg. Ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, fe wnaethom recordio rhywfaint o ffilm gyda Pinchpoint Communications, ynghyd â'n Partner Gwella Ysgolion ynghylch pwysigrwydd cydweithio. Cliciwch ar y ddolen i wylio rhai clipiau byr. (Mae yna un Gymraeg ac un Saesneg!)

Working with others, whether that is families, other schools, external agencies, research organisations, the Local Authority or the EAS, is incredibly important for us at Panteg. A few weeks ago, we recorded some footage with Pinchpoint Communications, along with our School Improvement Partner around the importance of working together. Click on the link to watch some short clips. (There is a Welsh one and an English one!)


Paratoadau ar gyfer Sioe Dewin yr Os | Preparations for the Wizard of Oz Show

Yn fuan, ar ddydd Llun, 17eg o Orffennaf, bydd Cam Cynnydd 3 (Blynyddoedd 4-6) yn perfformio eu sioe diwedd blwyddyn! Bydd pob un o’r plant yn cymryd rhan – boed hynny’n ganu neu’n actio fel rhan o’r clwb drama. Mae Dewin yr Os yn mynd i fod yn ddigwyddiad gwych i bawb! Gwyliwch allan yn y bwletin am wybodaeth am docynnau – byddant yn cael eu rhyddhau ar CivicaPay yr wythnos nesaf. Byddwn yn cynnal dwy sioe: un am 10:30am ac un am 4:30pm. Byddwn yn gofyn i’r plant aros ar ôl ysgol er mwyn perfformio’r cynhyrchiad hwn gyda’r nos. Gwyliwch y cip-fidio hyn i glywed un o’r caneuon! Cliciwch ar y llun er mwyn mynd i Youtube!

Coming up shortly, on Monday, 17th of July, Progress Step 3 (Years 4-6) will be performing their end of year show! All of the children will be taking part – whether that is singing or if they are acting as part of the drama club. Dewin yr Os (The Wizard of Oz) is going to be a great event for all! Watch this space for information about tickets – they will be released on CivicaPay next week. We will be holding two shows: one at 10:30am and one at 4:30pm. We will be asking the children to stay behind after school in order to perform this early evening production. Watch this preview clip to hear one of the songs! Click on the picture to take you to Youtube!


Noson Agored y Meithrin | Nursery Open Evening

Braf oedd gweld rhai o’n rhieni meithrin newydd ar gyfer mis Medi mewn noson agored neithiwr. Allwn ni ddim aros iddyn nhw ymuno â Teulu Panteg! Os colloch chi heno, neu noson Derbyn yr wythnos diwethaf, cysylltwch â ni a gallwn drefnu ymweliad!

It was lovely to meet some of our new nursery parents for September in an open evening last night. We can’t wait for them to join Teulu Panteg! If you missed this evening, or last week’s Reception evening, just get in contact with us and we can arrange a visit!


Cystadleuaeth Rygbi Tag | This Week’s Tag Rugby Competition

Rydyn ni wrth ein bodd yn cynnal cystadlaethau chwaraeon, ac mae gennym ni dipyn ar y gorwel dros y mis nesaf! Yr wythnos hon, roeddem yn falch iawn o’r holl blant a gystadlodd yn y gystadleuaeth Rygbi Tag. Mae mor wych eu gweld yn llawn brwdfrydedd ac mor uchelgeisiol!

We really love hosting sports competitions, and we have quite a few on the horizon over the next month! This week, we were really proud of all the children who competed in the Tag Rugby competition. It is so great to see them being so fired-up and ambitious!


Dadansoddiad Holiadur Teuluoedd | Family Questionnaire Analysis

Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb a gwblhaodd ein holiadur teulu. Mae’n bleser gennyf rannu gyda chi ganlyniadau’r holiadur hwnnw a rhywfaint o ddadansoddiad isod. Rydym wedi darllen drwy’r holiadur ac unrhyw sylwadau a roddwyd a byddwn nawr yn defnyddio’r holl wybodaeth hon i fwydo ein cynlluniau datblygu ysgol ar gyfer 2023-2024. Diolchwn ichi am y data amhrisiadwy hwn gan ei fod yn ein helpu i gynllunio ar gyfer gwelliant yn ogystal â dathlu llwyddiant. Rydym yn ysgol sy’n sefyll wrth ei gwerthoedd (bod yn garedig, bod yn deulu, bod yn angerddol a bod yn uchelgeisiol) ac sydd bob amser yn ceisio gwella. Felly, mae gweddill bwletin heddiw wedi’i neilltuo i rannu’r wybodaeth hon gyda chi wrth i ni ddechrau cynllunio ein camau nesaf

Thank you so much to all who completed our family questionnaire. I am pleased to share with you the results and some analysis below. We have read through the questionnaire and any comments given, and will now be using all of this information to feed into our school development planning for 2023-2024. We thank you for this invaluable data since it helps us to plan for improvement as well as celebrate success. We are a school that stands by its values (being kind, being a family, being fired-up and being ambitious) and are always seeking to improve. Therefore, the rest of today’s bulletin is dedicated to sharing this information with you as we start to plan our next steps.

Mae 95.3% (gostyniad bach o 1.8% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod eu plant yn mwynhau’r ysgol, ac roedd 78% (cynyddiad o 10.7% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 2 ymateb negyddol a 4 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

95.3% (slight decrease of 1.8% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that their children enjoy school, and 78% (increase of 10.7% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 2 negative responses and 4 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 97.7% (cynyddiad bach o 1.5% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod eu plant wedi derbyn cymorth da i ymgynefino’n dda pan ddechreuon nhw’r ysgol, ac roedd 77.2% (cynyddiad o 7% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 1 ymateb negyddol a 2 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

97.7% (slight increase of 1.5% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that their children received good support to settle in when they started school, and 77.2% (increase of 7% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 1 negative responses and 2 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 94.4% (gostyniad bach o 0.8% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod eu plant yn gwneud cynnydd da, ac roedd 72.4% (cynyddiad o 5.1% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 3 ymateb negyddol a 4 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

94.4% (slight decrease of 0.8% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that their children are making good progress, and 72.4% (increase of 5.1% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 3 negative responses and 4 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 96.9% (gostyngiad bach o 2.2% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod eu plant yn ddiogel yn yr ysgol, ac roedd 77.2% (cynyddiad bach o 2.4% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 1 ymateb negyddol a 3 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

96.9% (slight decrease of 2.2% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that their children are safe at school, and 77.2% (slight increase of 2.4% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 1 negative responses and 3 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 81.9% (cynyddiad bach o 0.2% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod plant yn ymddwyn yn dda yn yr ysgol, ac roedd 52.8% (cynyddiad o 17.2% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 8 (6.3%) ymateb negyddol a 15 (11.8%) ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

81.9% (slight increase of 0.2% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that children behave well at school, and 52.8% (increase of 17.2% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 8 (6.3%) negative responses and 15 (11.8%) mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 85.1% (cynyddiad o 8.2% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu nad ydy plant yn bwlio eu plentyn, ac roedd 59.1% (cynyddiad o 23.5% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 10 (7.9%) ymateb negyddol a 9 (7.1%) ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

85.1% (increase of 8.2% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that children do not bully their child, and 59.1% (increase of 23.5% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 10 (7.9%) negative responses and 9 (7.1%) mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 80.3% (cynyddiad bach o 4.3% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod yr ysgol yn delio gydag unrhyw fwlio, aflonyddu neu wahaniaethu yn dda, ac roedd 60.6% (cynyddiad o 15.4% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 4 ymateb negyddol a 21 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

80.3% (slight increase of 4.3% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that the school deals with any bullying, harassment or discrimination well, and 60.6% (increase of of 15.4% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 4 negative responses and 21 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 94.5% (cynyddiad bach o 1.3% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod ansawdd yr addysgu yn dda, ac roedd 65.4% (cynyddiad bach o 1.3% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 1 ymateb negyddol a 6 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

94.5% (slight increase 1.3% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe the quality of teaching is good, and 65.4% (slight increase of 1.3% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 1 negative responses and 6 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 96.1% (cynyddiad o 13.5% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod eu plentyn yn cael profiadau dysgu da, gan gynnwys teithiau ac ymweliadau addysgol, ac roedd 70.1% (cynyddiad o 16.3% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 1 ymateb negyddol a 4 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb). Yn holiadur y llynedd, roedd hwn yn faes arwyddocaol a amlygwyd ar gyfer datblygu gan deuluoedd gan nad oedd tripiau wedi gallu digwydd oherwydd pandemig COVID-19.

96.1% (increase of 13.5% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe their child has good learning experiences, including educational trips and visits, and 70.1% (increase of 16.3% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 1 negative responses and 4 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received. In last year’s questionnaire, this was a significant area highlighted for development by families as trips were not able to take place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mae 96.9% (cynyddiad bach o 1.7% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod staff yn disgwyl i’w plentyn weithio’n galed a gwneud eu (g)orau, ac roedd 71.7% (cynyddiad bach o 3.4% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 0 ymateb negyddol a 4 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

96.9% (slight increase of 1.7% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that staff expect their child to work hard and do their best, and 71.7% (slight increase of 3.4% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 0 negative responses and 4 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 95.3% (cynyddiad bach o 4% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod y staff yn trin pob un o’r plant yn deg ac y neu parchu, ac roedd 68.5% (cynyddiad o 7% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 3 ymateb negyddol a 3 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

95.3% (slight improvement of 4% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that staff treat all children fairly and with respect, and 68.5% (improvement of 7% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 3 negative responses and 3 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 93.6% (cynyddiad o 9% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod yr ysgol yn helpu eu plentyn i ddeall y modd y gall bwyta ac yfed effeithio ar ei iechyd, ac roedd 69% (cynyddiad o 22.8% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 1 ymateb negyddol a 7 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

93.6% (improvement of 9% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that the school helps their child to understand how eating and drinking can affect their health, and 69% (improvement of 22.8% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 1 negative responses and 7 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 97.6% (cynyddiad o 2.4% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod eu plentyn yn derbyn digonedd o gyfleuoedd i wneud ymarfer corff yn yr ysgol, ac roedd 73.2% (cynyddiad o 22.2% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 1 ymateb negyddol a 2 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

97.6% (improvement of 2.4% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that their children has plentyn of opportunities to get regular exercise at school, and 73.2% (improvement of 22.2% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 1 negative responses and 2 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 93.7% (cynyddiad bach o 3.3% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod yr ysgol yn helpu eu plentyn i aeddfedu a chymryd cyfrifoldeb, ac roedd 66.1% (increase of 15.1% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 2 ymateb negyddol a 6 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

93.7% (slight increase of 3.3% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that the school helps their child to mature and to take on responsibility, and 66.1% (cynyddiad of 15.1% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 2 negative responses and 6 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 89.7% (cynyddiad o 6% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod eu plant yn cael cymorth ychwanegol pan fydd ei angen arnyn nhw, ac roedd 66.1% (cynyddiad o 16.1% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 4 ymateb negyddol a 9 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

89.7% (improvement of 6% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that their child receives appropriate extra support when he/she needs it, and 66.1% (increase of of 16.1% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 4 negative responses and 9 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 92.1% (gostyngiad bach o 4.1% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod yr ysgol yn hysbysu nhw’n dda am gynnydd eu plant, ac roedd 73.2% (cynyddiad o 10.7% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 4 ymateb negyddol a 6 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb). Mae’r ysgol yn cynnal 6 pwynt cyswllt ffurfiol y flwyddyn gyda theuluoedd (3 ysgrifenedig a 3 chynnig wyneb-i-wyneb). Rydym hefyd wedi cynnal sesiwn adborth teuluoedd er mwyn mireinio’r broses hon.

92.1% (slight decrease of 4.1% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that the school keeps them well informed about their children’s progress, and 73.2% (increase of 10.7% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 4 negative responses and 6 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received. The school holds 6 formal contact points a year with families (3 written and 3 face-to-face offer). We have also held a family feedback session to refine this process.

Mae 86.6% (gostyniad bach o 2.2% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod yr ysgol yn gofyn am eu barn fel rhiant ac yn ystyried yr adborth maent yn darparu am yr ysgol, ac roedd 66.9% (cynyddiad o 23.2% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 5 ymateb negyddol a 12 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

86.6% (slight decrease of 2.2% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that the school seeks their views as a parent and considers the feedback that they provide about the school, and 66.9% (increase of 23.2% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 5 negative responses and 12 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 92.8% (cynyddiad o 8.2% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu os byddent yn rhannu problemau neu faterion â’r ysgol, mae’r ysgol yn ymateb ac yn delio â nhw yn briodol, ac roedd 69% (cynyddiad o 12.3% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 2 ymateb negyddol a 7 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

92.8% (increase of 8.2% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that if they share problems or issues with the school, it responds and deals with them appropriately, and 69% (increase of 12.3% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 2 negative responses and 7 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 98.4% (cynyddiad bach o 2.3% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod eu plentyn yn gallu manteisio ar ddigon o lyfrau ac offer yn yr ysgol i gefnogi ei ddysgu, ac roedd 74.6% (cynyddiad o 19.7% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 1 ymateb negyddol a 1 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

98.4% (slight increase of 2.3% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that their child can access enough books and equipment at school to support their learning, and 74.6% (improvement of 19.7% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 1 negative responses and 1 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

Mae 97.6% (cynyddiad bach o 0.5% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) o deuluoedd a rhieni’n credu bod yr ysgol yn cael ei rhedeg a’i rheoli’n dda, ac roedd 79.5% (gostyngiad bach o 1.3% wrth gymharu gyda 2022) yn cytuno’n gryf â’r datganiad hwn. Cafwyd 0 ymateb negyddol a 3 ymateb cymysg (neu methu ateb).

97.6% (cynyddiad bach of 0.5% compared with 2022 data) of families and parents believe that the school is well run and managed, and 79.5% (slight decrease of 1.3% compared with 2022 data) strongly agree with this statement. 0 negative responses and 3 mixed responses (or unable to answer) were received.

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