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Bwletin y Pennaeth - 14.03.2023 - Head's Bulletin


Annwyl Deuluoedd,


Cynllun Gwên - Gofal Deintyddol

Diolch i’r rhai sydd eisoes wedi llenwi ac anfon eich ffurflenni ar gyfer y ‘Cynllun Gwên’. Gofynnwn yn garedig i'r ffurflenni gael eu dychwelyd erbyn dydd Gwener yma. Byddai hyn yn ein helpu ni a’r GIG yn aruthrol.


Eisteddfod Cylch

Dydd Sadwrn, cynhaliwyd Eisteddfod yr Urdd yn ein hysgol ni. Braf oedd gweld llawer o ysgolion yn dod at ei gilydd i gystadlu yn y cystadlaethau canu a llefaru. Rwyf mor falch o bob un o'n plant a gystadlodd. Fe wnaethon nhw sefyll ar y llwyfan a pherfformio eu caneuon a'u cerddi yn hyfryd. Dw i wedi ei ddweud o'r blaen, ac fe'i dywedaf eto, mae'n beth mawr pan mae'n rhaid i chi sefyll ar lwyfan a pherfformio ar eich pen eich hun o flaen cynulleidfa. I’r rhan fwyaf o’n plant, oherwydd y pandemig, dyma’r tro cyntaf iddyn nhw wneud hynny. Rwyf am longyfarch pob un ohonynt am gyrraedd y cam hwn. Mae'n beth mawr.

Rwyf am longyfarch y plant hefyd sy'n mynd drwodd i'r rownd nesaf. Cynhelir hwn yn Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni (Gellihaf) ar ddydd Sadwrn, 25ain o Fawrth.

-Bydd Reggie yn canu yn y gystadleuaeth unawd Blwyddyn 2 ac iau.

-Bydd Macie-Ella yn canu yng nghystadleuaeth unawd Blwyddyn 5 a 6.

-Bydd Jamie yn canu yng nghystadleuaeth unawd Blwyddyn 3 a 4.

Byddwn ni yno yn eich cefnogi!


Stori Newyddion Da

Nos Sul, bu Dexter o'n dosbarth Blwyddyn 4 yn perfformio ar lwyfan y New Theatre yng Nghaerdydd yn Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Roedd yn wych a gwnaeth mor dda o flaen theatr lawn.

Bydd ganddo ei sioe nesaf yn Theatr y Congress ymhen rhai wythnosau, yna gobeithio y bydd yn perfformio yn Llundain yn Theatr Shaftesbury ym mis Gorffennaf. Da iawn Dexter, dala ati i ddilyn dy freuddwydion!

Os oes gennych chi stori newyddion da, cysylltwch er mwyn i mi allu rhannu!


Bar Pasta Cinio

Fel ysgol, rydym wedi gwirfoddoli i fod yn rhan o dreual ar gyfer Arlwyo Torfaen i ychwanegu mwy o ddewis i blant pan ddaw at eu cinio. O'r herwydd, rydym yn ychwanegu opsiwn bar pasta fel rhan o'n dewisiadau cinio. Mae opsiynau pasta gwahanol a bydd naill ai bara garlleg neu ‘wrap’ yn cyd-fynd â hyn.

Gobeithiwn y bydd hyn yn ychwanegu amrywiaeth i ginio ein plant ar ben y prif opsiynau bwyd, opsiynau llysieuol, opsiynau salad, opsiynau tatws pob.

Yn ein trafodaethau gyda Thorfaen, maen nhw nawr yn edrych ar wneud opsiynau llysieuol yn un o’r dewisiadau beunyddiol i blant yn hytrach na gweld hwn fel opsiwn arbennig.


Siop Swop Eco

Efallai eich bod wedi gweld bod ein siop cyfnewid eco bellach wedi cymryd camau breision ymlaen. Mae'r hafdy y bydd yn gartref iddo bellach wedi'i hanner adeiladu! Er gwaethaf y glaw ar y penwythnos, adeiladodd Shawfix (un o gwmnïau adeiladu ein teuluoedd) rhan gyntaf y strwythur. Rhaid i mi ddweud bod ansawdd y gwaith yn wych ac mae'n wych pan rydyn ni'n dod at ein gilydd fel cymuned i helpu ein gilydd. Felly, mae angen i mi ddiolch yn fawr iawn i Anthony sydd wedi cefnogi ein cymuned - gan ofyn dim yn ôl - trwy ein helpu gyda'i arbenigedd. Mae Shawfix yn dychwelyd y penwythnos hwn i orffen y gwaith!

Rhag ofn i chi ei golli cyfathrebiadau blaenorol, bydd ein ‘Siop Swop Eco’ yn fan cychwyn lle gall teuluoedd gyfnewid gwisg ysgol yn hytrach na phrynu gwisg newydd bob amser. Mae gwisgoedd (yn enwedig crysau-T a siwmperi) yn eitemau na ellir eu hailgylchu oherwydd y cymysgedd o ddeunyddiau gwehyddu a Teflon a ddefnyddir. Felly, gallwn wneud gwahaniaeth i’r blaned hon drwy weithio fel cymuned i ailddefnyddio’r eitemau hyn a’u harbed rhag cael eu tirlenwi. Gan weithio ar y rhagosodiad bod gan bob un o’n plant ddwy neu dair siwmperi ysgol mewn blwyddyn ysgol (mae gan lawer ohonoch lawer mwy na hynny!) mae hynny’n golygu bod ein hysgol ni yn unig yn gyfrifol am tua 1,200 o siwmperi’r flwyddyn neu tua 8,400 o siwmperi dros y saith mlynedd y mae plentyn yn ein hysgol. Mae hynny'n syfrdanol! O ganlyniad, byddwn yn gofyn (pan fydd ein ‘Siop Swap Eco’ wedi ei orffen) am unrhyw wisg ysgol sbar sydd gennych yn y tŷ er mwyn i deuluoedd ddod i gyfnewid (neu adael rhodd fechan yn lle cyfnewid).

Ar ôl i ni sefydlu swyddogaeth hon ein ‘Siop Swap Eco’, byddwn wedyn yn manteisio ar fwyd dros ben yr archfarchnad. Mae’r tunelli o wastraff gan ein harchfarchnadoedd lleol yn erchyll – ac rydym am wneud rhywbeth yn ei gylch. Arhoswch am wybodaeth bellach - byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi maes o law am hyn!


Comic Relief - Diwrnod Trwyn Coch

Diolch i'ch rhoddion yn y gorffennol, mae Comic Relief wedi gallu cefnogi prosiectau a sefydliadau anhygoel sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth i bobl ledled y DU a ledled y byd.

Eleni, rydym yn cynnal diwrnod trowsus anghywir. Bydd hwn yn cael ei gynnal dydd Gwener yma (17eg o Fawrth). Rydym yn gwahodd plant i ddod i'r ysgol yn gwisgo gwisg ysgol ar eu hanner uchaf, ond yr hanner gwaelod anghywir! Gall hyn fod mor wallgof ag y dymunwch iddo fod! Gall amrywio o waelodion pyjama i tutws i legins ffynci. Y syniad yw nad ydych chi wedi mynd allan i brynu unrhyw beth arbennig ar gyfer y diwrnod hwn. Os hoffech roi cyfraniad o £1 y gallwn ei anfon i Comic Relief, byddwn yn falch o’i dderbyn. Fodd bynnag, rydym yn ymwybodol nad yw ein diwrnod ‘Ras am Oes’ dim ond newydd mynd heibio.

Ar y diwrnod hwn, byddwn yn canolbwyntio ar un o’n hawliau plant UNICEF allweddol. Mae Erthygl 31 o Gonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau’r Plentyn yn datgan bod gan bob plentyn yr hawl i orffwys a hamdden, i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau chwarae a hamdden sy’n briodol i oedran y plentyn. Diolch yn fawr iawn i Miss Llewellyn sy'n trefnu'r diwrnod yma ar ein rhan!


Y Disgybl Cudd (Rhan 2)

Fel yr eglurais ddydd Mawrth diwethaf, wrth arsylwi gwersi, rydym yn ceisio dal llais y plant ar eu dysgu a’r ffordd y cânt eu haddysgu. Fel rhan o hyn, hoffem dynnu sylw at sylwadau cadarnhaol a rhai doniol i annog staff. Wythnos diwethaf, cawsoch y rhan cyntaf! Heddiw mae gennych ein hail ran!

Mrs Roberts-Lloyd, Cynorthwyydd: “Mrs Roberts-Lloyd yn garedig iawn. Fi’n falch bod hi wedi dod nôl.”

Mrs Wallis-Evans, Athrawes: “Mae Mrs Evans yn dysgu pethau hwyl ac mae hi’n gwisgo’n funky!”

Mrs Jones, Athrawes: “Mae Mrs. Jones yn ddoniol ac yn gwneud lleisiau fynni weithiau – fel lan a lawr – pan rydyn ni’n dysgu geiriau!”

Miss Couzens, Cynorthwyydd: “Rwy'n hoffi Miss Couzens oherwydd ei bod hi'n bwyllog ac yn dawel. Mae hi'n fy helpu i setlo yn y boreau.”

Mr Alexander, Athro: “Mae Mr Alexander yn glir iawn. Mae hynny’n helpu fi gwybod beth rwy’n gorfod gwneud i gwneud yn dda yn y gwaith. Ooh, a mae’n gwneud maths dda. Fi’n hoffi maths.”

Miss Prickett, Athrawes dan Hyfforddiant: “Rwy’n hoffi jocs Miss Prickett. Mae hi’n gwneud i bethau rwy’n dysgu stico.”

Miss Jones, Athrawes: “Mae Miss Jones yn actores wych pan mae hi'n gwneud gwersi drama! Dwi'n ei hoffi'n fawr pan mae hi'n chwerthin.”

Miss O’Sullivan, Athrawes: “Mae Miss O’Sullivan yn make-o fi yn smarter pob dydd. Like, pob dydd mae rywbeth newydd. And, it like, blows my mind!”

Mr Evans, Athro: “Rwy’n mynd i golli Mr Evans pan rydw i’n mynd i Wynllyw. Rwy’n teimlo’n fwy hyderus pan mae’n dysgu fi.”

Mr Vaughan, Athro: “Rwy wedi gwella loads ers cael amser gyda Mr Vaughan. Fi, fel yn teimlo bod fi fel yn gallu gwneud maths yn y gwers nawr.”

Miss Brown, Athrawes “Miss Brown yn very kind i fi. Rwy’n hoffi ei scarf a gwallt hi.”

Miss Roberts, Cynorthwyydd: “Rwy’n credu Miss Roberts is the funniest person in the ‘ole school. She likes McDonalds like me.”



Design to Smile - Dental Care

Thank you to those who have already completed and sent in your forms for ‘Design to Smile’. We kindly ask that the forms are returned by this Friday. This would help us and the NHS immensely.


Eisteddfod Cylch

On Saturday, the Urdd Eisteddfod was held at our school. It was great to see lots of schools coming together to compete in the singing and recitation competitions. I am so proud of all of our children who competed. They stood on the stage and performed their songs and poems beautifully. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, it is a big thing when you have to stand on a stage and perform alone in front of an audience. For most of our children, due to the pandemic, this was the first time they have done that. I want to congratulate each and every one of them for getting to this stage. It’s a huge achievment.

I also want to congratulate the children who are going through to the next round. This will be held at Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni (Gellihaf) on Saturday, 25th of March.

-Reggie will be singing in the Year 2 and under solo competition.

-Macie-Ella will be singing in the Year 5 and 6 solo competition.

-Jamie will be singing in the Year 3 and 4 solo competition.

We’ll be there supporting you!


Good News Story

On Sunday night, Dexter from our Year 4 class, performed on stage at the New Theatre in Cardiff in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. He was fantastic and did so well infront of a full theatre.

He has his next show in the Congress Theatre in a few weeks time then hopefully he will be performing in London in The Shaftesbury Theatre in July. Well done, Dexter, keep pursuing your dreams!

If you have a good news story, get in contact with so that I can share!


Lunch Pasta Bar

As a school, we have volunteered to be a part of a trial for Torfaen Catering to add more choice for children when it comes to their lunches. As such, we’re adding a pasta bar option as part of our lunch choices. There will be a different pasta option and this will be accompanied by either garlic bread or a wrap.

We hope that this will add variety to our children’s lunches on top of main food options, vegetarian options, salad options, jacket potato options.

In our discussions with Torfaen, they are looking now at making vegetarian options one of the standard choices for children rather than viewing this as a special option.


Siop Swop Eco

You might have seen that our eco swap shop has now made strides forward. The summerhouse it will be housed in is now half built! Despite the rain on the weekend, Shawfix (one of our families’ building companies) built the first part of the structure. I must say the quality of the work is fantastic and it is great when we come together as a community to help each other. So, a big thanks goes out to Anthony who has supported our community - asking nothing in return - by helping us with his expertise. Shawfix is returning this weekend to finish off the work!

In case you missed it in previous communications, our ‘Siop Swop Eco’ will be a place initially where families can swap uniform rather than always buy new. Uniforms (especially T-shirts and jumpers) are items that are not recyclable due to the mix of woven materials and Teflon that is used. Therefore, we can make a difference to this planet by working as a community to reuse these items and save them from landfill. Working on the premise that all of our children have two to three school jumpers in a school year (many of you have a lot more than that!) that means that our school alone is responsible for around 1,200 jumpers a year or approximately 8,400 jumpers in the seven years children are with us. That is staggering! As a result, we will be asking when our ‘Siop Swap Eco’ is finished for any spares you have in the house so that families can come and swap (or leave a small donation in lieu of a swapping).

After we have established this function of our ‘Siop Swap Eco’, we will then be capitalising on supermarket’s surplus food. The tonnes of waste by our local supermarkets is horrendous - and we want to do something about it. Hold on to your hats - we will be letting you know in due course about this!


Comic Relief - Red Nose Day

Thanks to your past donations, Comic Relief has been able to support amazing projects and organisations who are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world.

This year, we are holding a wrong trousers day. This will be held this Friday (17th of March). We are inviting children to come in to school wearing uniform on their top half, but the wrong bottom half! This can be as crazy as you want it to be! It can range from pyjama bottoms to tutus to funky leggings. The idea is that you don’t have go out any buy anything special for this day. If you wish to give a donation of £1 that we can send off to Comic Relief, we’d be glad to receive. However, we are conscious that our ‘Race for Life’ day has not long past.

On this day, we will be focusing on one of our key UNICEF children’s rights. Article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child. A big thank you to Miss Llewellyn who is organising this day on our behalf!


The Secret Pupil (Part 2)

As I explained last Tuesday, in observing lessons, we attempt to capture the children’s voice on their learning and the way they are taught. As part of this, we like to highlight positive comments and funny ones to encourage staff. Last week, you had the first instalment! Today you’ve got our second instalment!

Mrs Roberts-Lloyd, Teaching Assistant: “Mrs Roberts-Lloyd is very kind. I'm glad she is back.”

Mrs Wallis-Evans, Teacher: "Mrs Evans teaches fun things and she dresses funky!"

Mrs Jones, Teacher: “Mrs. Jones is funny and sometimes makes voices - like up and down - when we learn words!”

Miss Couzens, Teaching Assistant: “I like Miss Couzens because she is calm and quiet. She helps me settle in the mornings.”

Mr Alexander, Teacher: “Mr Alexander is very clear. That helps me know what I have to do to do well at work. Ooh, and he does good maths. I like maths.”

Miss Prickett, Trainee Teacher: “I like Miss Prickett's jokes. It makes things I learn sticks!”

Miss Jones, Teacher: “Miss Jones is a great actress when she makes drama lessons! I really like it when she laughs.”

Miss O’Sullivan, Teacher: “Miss O’Sullivan makes me smarter every day. Like, every day there is something new. And, it like, blows my mind!”

Mr Evans, Teacher: “I'm going to miss Mr Evans when I go to Gwynllyw. I feel more confident when he teaches me.”

Mr Vaughan, Teacher: “I've improved loads since having time with Mr Vaughan. I feel like I can do the maths in the lessons now.”

Miss Brown, Teacher: “Miss Brown is very kind to me. I like her scarf and hair.

Miss Roberts, Teaching Assistant: “I think Miss Roberts is the funniest person in the 'ole school. She likes Mcdonalds like me.”

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