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Bwletin y Pennaeth - 07.03.2023 - Head's Bulletin


Annwyl Deuluoedd,


Diwrnod y Llyfr - Atgof

Ar ein Diwrnod y Llyfr (dydd Iau 9fed o Fawrth) gall plant ddod wedi gwisgo fel cymeriad o lyfr neu gallant ddod i'r ysgol yn pyjamas gyda'u hoff stori amser gwely. Nid oes unrhyw gost na dim arian yn cael ei godi ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn.


Talent Torfaen

Rydym yn dymuno pob lwc i’n grŵp dawns wrth iddynt fynychu cystadleuaeth ddawns Torfaen’s Got Talent dydd Iau yma!


Diwrnod Dim Smygu - 8fed Mawrth

Dydd Mercher yma, mae'n Ddiwrnod Cenedlaethol Dim Ysmygu. Mae Diwrnod Dim Smygu yn ddiwrnod ymwybyddiaeth iechyd blynyddol yn y Deyrnas Unedig gyda’r bwriad o helpu ysmygwyr sydd eisiau rhoi’r gorau i ysmygu. Mae'n ymwneud ag annog pobl i roi'r gorau iddi, nid yn unig am y dydd, ond am byth! Eleni, mae ymgyrch y DU yn defnyddio’r cyfle i gael ysmygwyr i feddwl am ddyfodol di-fwg positif gyda’r neges ‘does dim rhaid i roi’r gorau i ysmygu fod yn straen’.

Mae ‘Helpa Fi i Stopio’ yn wasanaeth gwych sy’n cael ei redeg gan GIG Cymru ac mae’n cynnig cyngor a chymorth rhoi’r gorau i ysmygu am ddim i bob ysmygwr yng Nghymru. Yn ogystal â helpu ysmygwyr i ddod o hyd i’r cymorth sydd fwyaf addas iddyn nhw, mae’n cynnig sesiynau grŵp ac un i un wythnosol gyda chynghorydd rhoi’r gorau i ysmygu.

Gall rhoi’r gorau i ysmygu fod yn anodd iawn ac mae’r rhai sy’n dewis mynd ar eu pen eu hunain yn llai tebygol o roi’r gorau iddi yn llwyddiannus. Mewn gwirionedd, mae ymchwil wedi dangos eich bod hyd at deirgwaith yn fwy tebygol o roi'r gorau iddi am byth os byddwch yn rhoi'r gorau iddi gyda chymorth.

Dilynwch y ddolen hon am ragor o wybodaeth a chefnogaeth:


Sesiwn Holi ac Ateb

Gyda'n taith dros nos arbennig yn agosáu atom (29ain i 31ain o Fawrth), rydym wedi trefnu sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb i blant a theuluoedd. Cynhelir hwn dydd Iau nesaf (16eg o Fawrth) yn neuadd yr ysgol am 4:30pm. Nod y sesiwn hon yw y gallwn dawelu ofnau blant neu deuluoedd fel y gallwn wneud hwn y digwyddiad mwyaf pleserus posibl. Peidiwch ag anghofio bod angen y taliad olaf arnom erbyn dydd Gwener, 24ain o Fawrth. Os oes gennych unrhyw broblem gyda thaliadau, p'un a yw hynny'n fater technegol neu'n fater arall, cysylltwch â ni cyn gynted â phosib.


Trip Gwynllyw

Fel y cyhoeddwyd eisoes, bydd cyfle i Flwyddyn 5 fynd i Ysgol Gymraeg Gwynllyw ar yr 22ain o Fawrth. Bydd angen pecyn bwyd ar blant ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn. Os yw eich plentyn yn derbyn ‘Cinio Ysgol Am Ddim’ bydd ein cegin yn paratoi pecyn cinio ar eu cyfer. Mae croeso i holl blant Blwyddyn 5 fynychu. Nid oes unrhyw gost ar gyfer y digwyddiad pontio hwn, rydym wedi talu am gost cludiant. Mae gennym eich caniatâd eisoes ar gyfer teithiau lleol - felly, gofynnwn i chi gysylltu â ni os nad ydych yn dymuno i'ch plentyn fynychu'r ymweliad hwn.


Eisteddfod Cylch - Dydd Sadwrn Yma

Mae wythnos yr Eisteddfod wedi cyrraedd yn barod! Dyma manylion y dydd i’r rhai sy’n cystadlu.

Fe fydd yr Eisteddfod yn cychwyn yn Ysgol Panteg am 8:30yb ar Ddydd Sadwrn 11eg o Fawrth. Mae mynediad i’r Eisteddfod yn costio £4 y teulu. Os ydych plentyn yn derbyn cinio am ddim, os cysylltwch a ni i dderbyn linc am docyn mynediad am ddim.

Fe fydd y rhagbrofion yn dechrau ar yr amseroedd canlynol. Gofynnwn i chi gyrraedd erbyn yr amser yma ar y man hwyraf.


Ystafell 1

8:30yb - Unawd Bl 2 ac iau “Mr Triongl”

9:15yb - Unawd Bl 3 a 4 “Dere di, Dere do”

10:00yb - Unawd Bl 5 a 6 “Hydref”

Ystafell 2

8:30yb - Llefaru Unigol Bl 5 a 6 “Yr Hen Dy Gwag”

9:15yb - Llefaru Unigol Bl 2 ac iau “Gwesty Moethus”

10:00yb - Llefaru Unigol Bl 3 a 4 “Ar ôl Methu Unwaith”

Fe fydd 3 yn cael ei dewis o bob cystadleuaeth i berfformio eto yn y brif Eisteddfod sy’n dechrau am 11:15yb.

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld chi ar ddydd Sadwrn.


Y Disgybl Cudd

Yr wythnos hon, rydym yn cwblhau arsylwadau sicrhau ansawdd ffurfiol o addysgu mewn dosbarthiadau. Rwyf wrth fy modd yn bod mewn dosbarthiadau yn cymryd rhan mewn gwersi! Mae ein plant yn wych! Mae pob un yn wahanol ac yn meddu ar wahanol ddoniau. Ein hathrawon a'n cynorthwywyr addysgu yw'r ased mwyaf gwerthfawr sydd gennym wrth ddysgu ein plant. Yn ystod yr wythnos hon, mae arweinwyr yn dewis ‘disgybl cudd’ o bob dosbarth i roi rhywfaint o adborth cadarnhaol i’w hathro. Os ydych chi wedi bod gyda ni ers ychydig nawr, byddech chi wedi gweld y gall yr adborth hwn fod yn ddoniol iawn ac yn wirioneddol deimladwy. Felly, dyma rai o’r pethau a ddywedodd ein ‘disgyblion cyfrinachol’ ddoe am staff. Gwyliwch am y bwletinau nesaf a fydd yn rhoi mwy o sylwadau!

Miss Browning, Meithrin: “Miss Browning is a lot of fun… My mum’s fun too!”

Miss Vickers, Meithrin: “Miss Vickers helps me… I think she loves me!”

Miss Smith, Cynorthwyydd: “Miss Smith – ummm, Smiffy? – Yeap. Couldn’t do it without her. She makes my day sunny.”

Miss Parry, Athro/awes: “Mae Miss Parry yn helpu fi. Fi eisiau gwella – a weithiau fi angen help i ddeall sut. Mae hi’n dangos y ffordd.”

Miss Llewellyn, Athro/awes: “Beth rwy’n hoffi am Miss Llewellyn yw bod hi’n deg. Mae hi’n trio helpu pob un. Mae hi’n trin pobl yr un peth.”

Miss Williams, Cynorthwyydd: “Mae Miss (Rhian) Williams yn helpu fi i ddarllen. Mae hi yn bubbly – ac mae hynny’n gwneud yn peth positif pan rwy’n struglo gyda geiriau anodd.”

Mr Masterton, Cynorthwyydd: “Mae Mr Masterton yn gwneud i fi chwerthin. He looks after everyone – that’s like ‘is job innit?”

Miss Carroll, Athro/awes: “Mae Miss Carroll yn ddoniol. Mae hi’n tricko Mr Masterton. Mae nhw fel double act!”

Mrs Tudball, Swyddfa: “Mae Mrs. Tudball yn gweithio yn y swyddfa. Pob tro rwy’n gweld hi, mae hi’n gweithio’n galed iawn ac yn gweithio’n gyflym iawn!”

Mrs Redwood, Swyddfa: “Mae Mrs Redwood yn helpu pawb yn enwedig yr athrawon. Mae’r athrawon yn lean-o ar hi. Mae hi’n rhywun sy’n drefnus.”

Miss Manley, Cynorthwyydd: “Miss Manley ‘elps me to learn. She does ffings to ‘elp my Miss Browning and the children.”



World Book Day - Reminder

On our World Book Day (Thursday 9th of March) children can come dressed as a character from a book or can come into school in pyjamas with their favourite bedtime story. There is no cost or no money being raised for this event.


Torfaen’s Got Talent

Wishing our dance group all the best and all the possible luck as they attend the Torfaen’s Got Talent dance competition this Thursday!


No Smoking Day - 8th March

This Wednesday, it is National No Smoking Day. No Smoking Day is an annual health awareness day in the United Kingdom which is intended to help smokers who want to quit smoking. It is all about encouraging people to quit, not just for the day, but for good! This year, the UK campaign is using the opportunity to get smokers to think about a positive smoke-free future with the message ‘quitting smoking doesn’t have to be stressful’.

‘Help Me Quit’ is a great service run by NHS Wales and offers free smoking cessation advice and support to all smokers in Wales. As well as helping smokers to find the support that suits them best, it offers weekly group and one to one sessions with a smoking cessation advisor.

Giving up smoking can be very tough and those that choose to go it alone are less likely to successfully quit. In fact, research has shown that you’re up to three times more likely to quit for good if you give up with support.

Follow this link for more information and support:


Question and Answer Session

With our special overnight trip zooming towards us (29th to 31st of March), we have organised a question and answer session for children and families. This is to be held next Thursday (16th of March) in the school hall at 4:30pm. The aim of this session is that we can allay the fears of any children or families so that we can make this the most enjoyable event possible. Don’t forget that we require the final payment by Friday, 24th of March. If you have any problem with payments, whether that is a technical issue or another issue, please get in contact with us asap.


Gwynllyw Trip

As previously announced, Year 5 will have the opportunity to go to Ysgol Gymraeg Gwynllyw on the 22nd of March. Children will need a packed lunch for this event, those in receipt of free school meals will have lunch provided. All Year 5 children are welcome to attend. There is no cost for this transition event, we have covered the cost of transport. We already have your permission for local trips - therefore, we ask that you contact us is you do not wish your child to attend this visit.


Eisteddfod Cylch - This Saturday at Ysgol Panteg

The week of the Eisteddfod has arrived! Here are the details of the day for those who are competing.

The Eisteddfod will start at 8:30am on Saturday 11th March. Entry to the Eisteddfod costs £4 per family. If your child receives free school meals, please contact us to receive a link for a free entry ticket.

The prelims will start at the following times. There are between 15-19 children performing in each prelim and we don't have a running order, so we ask that you arrive by the time stated.


Room 1

8:30am - Year 2 and under solo “Mr Triongl”

9:15am - Yr 3 and 4 solo “Dere di, Dere do”

10:00am - Year 5 and 6 solo “Hydref”

Room 2

8:30am - Yr 5 and 6 recitation "Yr Hen Dy Gwag”

9:15am - Yr 2 and under recitation “Gwesty Moethus”

10:00am - Yr 3 and 4 recitation “Ar ôl Methu Unwaith”

3 children will be chosen from each competition to perform again at the main Eisteddfod which starts at 11:15am.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning!


The Secret Pupil

This week, we are completing formal quality assurance observations of teaching in classes. I absolutely love being in classes taking part in lessons! Our children are fantastic – they really are! Each one is different and possesses different talents. Our teachers and teaching assistants are the most valuable asset we have in teaching our children. During this week, leaders pick a ‘secret pupil’ from each class to give some positive feedback to their teacher. If you’ve been with us for a little while now, you would have seen that this feedback can be really funny and really touching. So, here are some of the things our ‘secret pupils’ said yesterday about staff. Watch out for the next bulletins which will give more comments!

Miss Browning, Meithrin: “Miss Browning is a lot of fun… My mum’s fun too!”

Miss Vickers, Meithrin: “Miss Vickers helps me… I think she loves me!”

Miss Smith, Teaching Assistant: “Miss Smith – ummm, Smiffy? – Yeap. Couldn’t do it without her. She makes my day sunny.”

Miss Parry, Teacher: “Miss Parry helps me. I want to improve – and sometimes I don’t know how. She shows me the way.”

Miss Llewellyn, Teacher: “What I like about Miss Llewellyn is that she is fair. She tries to help everyone. She treats people the same way.”

Miss Williams, Teaching Assistant: “Miss (Rhian) Williams helps me read. She's bubbly - and that makes a positive thing when I'm struggling with difficult words.”

Mr Masterton, Teaching Assistant: “Mr Masterton makes me laugh. He looks after everyone – that’s like ‘is job innit?”

Miss Carroll, Teacher: “Miss Carroll is funny. She is tricks Mr Masterton. They're like Double Act! ”

Mrs Tudball, Office: “Mrs. Tudball works in the office. Every time I see her, she works very hard and works very quickly! ”

Mrs Redwood, Office: “Mrs Redwood helps everyone especially the teachers. The teachers lean on her. She is an organised person. ”

Miss Manley, Teaching Assistant: “Miss Manley ‘elps me to learn. She does ffings to ‘elp my Miss Browning and the children.”

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