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Bwletin y Pennaeth - 17.01.2023 - Heads Bulletin


Annwyl Deuluoedd,

Prynhawn Da!


Newyddion Gwych!

Roeddem mor falch o glywed am ddyfodiad diogel merch fach Miss Tanwen Davies ’yn 8 pwys 2oz. Fel Teulu Panteg (ein teulu Panteg) rydym yn dymuno llongyfarchiadau i Miss Davies a'i phartner Ollie ar enedigaeth Mati Morgan-Davies!


Datrys Problemau Mathemategol

Dros yr ychydig wythnosau diwethaf, mae plant a staff wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar sut y gallwn ddatrys problemau mathemategol yn well. Fel ysgol, rydyn ni nawr yn defnyddio dull strwythuredig o ddatrys problemau rydyn ni am ei rannu gyda chi fel rhieni fel eich bod chi'n ymwybodol o sut rydyn ni'n gofyn i blant fynd i'r afael â phroblemau geiriau mathemategol. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i helpu plant i wella eu sgiliau rhesymu a'u sgiliau meddwl critigol - fel y cyfryw bob wythnos rydym yn cynllunio gwers ar ddatrys problemau yn unig. Y syniad y tu ôl i hyn yw hybu trafodaeth am ddatrys problemau a gwella sgiliau o bob oed.

Rydym yn defnyddio dull pedwar cam: ‘dechrau’, ‘cynllunio’, ‘datrys’ a ‘edrych nôl’. Gadewch i mi eich tywys trwy'r camau yn unigol a rhoi enghreifftiau i chi o'r mathau o gwestiynau ac awgrymiadau a roddwn ar bob cam.

Fel rhieni, gallwch chi wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i ddysgu plant. O ganlyniad, rydym yn cynllunio gweithdy i rieni ar ddatrys problemau mathemategol, dydd Iau, 2 Chwefror o 4:30-5:30 er mwyn i chi weld sut rydym yn addysgu datrys problemau a sut y gallwch chi helpu! Rydym yn eich annog i gofrestru heddiw trwy ddilyn y ddolen hon! Mae nifer o bobl yn ofni Mathemateg - gad i ni torri’r drefn hyn a datblygi hyder yn ein plant.


Gweithredu Diwydiannol

Byddwch wedi clywed ar y newyddion bod athrawon ledled Cymru a Lloegr wedi pleidleisio i streicio dros ddyddiadau ym mis Chwefror a mis Mawrth. Fy nod yn Ysgol Panteg yw cadw’r drysau ar agor i blant lle galla’ i. Byddaf yn cysylltu â’r newyddion diweddaraf cyn gynted ag y gallaf i roi gwybod i chi am y sefyllfa ar gyfer ein hysgol. Mae undebau gwahanol yn streicio ar ddiwrnodau gwahanol ac o fewn ein staff mae gennym nifer o undebau gwahanol. Yr wyf yn aros am gadarnhad gan y staff a rhai undebau o’u dyddiadau arfaethedig. Mae gennych fy ngair y byddaf yn gweithredu o fewn y gyfraith i sicrhau, hyd eithaf fy ngallu, y bydd effaith y streiciau arfaethedig hyn ar blant a theuluoedd mor fach ag y gallaf. Mae llywodraethwyr yn cyfarfod heno a byddwn hefyd yn trafod y camau nesaf.


Carreg Lam - Penodiad Arweinydd

Rwy’n gyffrous i roi gwybod i chi ein bod ddoe wedi cyfweld â nifer o ymgeiswyr ar gyfer yr uned trochi Cymraeg newydd a fydd yn cael ei sefydlu ar ein safle. Ar ôl proses gyfweld drylwyr ac arsylwi gwersi, mae'n bleser gennyf eich hysbysu bod Mrs. Carys Soper wedi'i phenodi'n arweinydd yr uned. Gwn y bydd llawer ohonoch yn falch o weld Mrs Soper yn dychwelyd i weithio yn uned drochi newydd Torfaen.

Cofiwch fod gennym rôl cynorthwyydd addysgu ar gael ar gyfer yr uned drochi. Rydym eisiau cynorthwyydd addysgu o safon uchel sydd â sgiliau Cymraeg rhagorol. Ydych chi'n nabod rhywun? Ydych? Rhannwch y ddolen hon gyda nhw a gofynnwch iddyn nhw gysylltu â mi am sgwrs anffurfiol!


Noson Dod i'ch Adnabod

Roeddem mor gyffrous i groesawu llawer o aelodau newydd y Meithrin wythnos diwethaf. Gwyddom ei bod ychydig yn anodd ymuno ag ysgol hanner ffordd drwy flwyddyn ysgol. Felly, ar ddydd Iau, 26ain o Ionawr, am 2:50 (ar ôl amser casglu’r prynhawn) hoffem eich gwahodd i ddigwyddiad i holl rieni meithrin er mwyn i chi ddod i adnabod eich gilydd. Gall rhieni fod yn gymorth i’w gilydd yn ystod gyrfa ysgol plentyn. Felly, os oes gennych chi blentyn yn ein dosbarth Meithrin, boed yn newydd neu wedi bod gyda ni ers peth amser, dewch draw am gacen a dewch i adnabod teuluoedd eraill! Rhowch wybod i ni os ydych yn dod trwy lenwi'r ddolen hon fel ein bod yn gwybod faint o gacen i fynd i mewn!


Good afternoon!


Fantastic News!

We were so pleased to hear of the safe arrival of Miss Tanwen Davies’ little girl at 8lb 2oz. As Teulu Panteg (our Panteg Family) we wish congratulations to Miss Davies and her partner Ollie on the birth of Mati Morgan-Davies!


Mathematical Problem Solving

Over the last few weeks, children and staff have been focusing on how we can better solve mathematical problems. As a school, we are now using a structured method for problem solving that we want to share with you as parents so that you are aware of how we ask children to approach mathematical word problems. We are committed to helping children improve their reasoning skills and critical thinking skills - as such each week we are planning a lesson solely on problem solving. The idea behind this is promote discussion about problem solving and enhance skills at all ages.

We use a four step approach: ‘getting started’, ‘planning’, ‘solving’ and ‘looking back’. Let me take you through the steps individually and give you examples of the types of questions and tips we give at each stage.

As parents, you can make a massive difference to children’s learning. As such, we are planning a parent workshop on mathematical problem solving ok Thursday, 2nd of February from 4:30-5:30 so that you can see how we teach problem solving and how you can help! We urge you to sign up today by following this link! So many people fear mathematics - let’s break that trend and give our children the best start we can!


Industrial Action

You will have heard on the news that teachers across England and Wales have voted to strike over dates in February and March. My aim at Ysgol Panteg is keep the doors open for children where I can. I will be in touch with an update as soon as I can to inform you of the situation for our school. Different unions are striking on different days and within our staff we have a number of different unions. I am awaiting confirmation of staff and some unions of their intended dates. You have my word that I will operate within the law to ensure that to the best of my ability the impact of these intended strikes on children and families will be as minimal as I am able. Governors are meeting this evening and we will also be discussing the next steps.


Carreg Lam - Leader Appointment

I am excited to let you know that yesterday we interviewed a number of candidates for the new Welsh language immersion unit that will be set up on our site. After a rigorous interview process and lesson observations, I am pleased to inform you that Mrs. Carys Soper has been appointed as the leader of the unit. I know that many of you will be pleased to see Mrs Soper’s return to work at Torfaen’s new immersion unit.

Remember that we have a teaching assistant role available. We want a high quality teaching assistant who has excellent Welsh skills. Do you know someone? Yes? Share this link with them and ask them to contact me for an informal chat!


Get-To-Know-You Night

We were so excited to be welcoming lots of new nursery members last week. We know that joining a school part way through a school year, can be a little difficult. So, on Thursday, 26th of January, at 2:50 (after afternoon pick up) we’d like to invite you to a little get together for all nursery parents so that you can get to know each other. Parents can really be a support to one another during a child’s school career. So, if you have a child in our Nursery class, whether they are new or have been with us for some time, come along for some cake and get to know other families! Let us know if you are coming by filling in this link so we know how much cake to get in!

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