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Bwletin y Pennaeth - 27.05.2022 - Heads Bulletin


Annwyl Deuluoedd,

Am wythnos i orffen ein hanner tymor!


Cyrhaeddodd ein Blwyddyn 5 yn ôl o Gilwern ddydd Mercher gan ofyn pryd y gallant fynd eto! Gwnaeth y plant lawer o weithgareddau cyffrous fel canŵio a dringo. I rai o’n plant, dyma’r tro cyntaf iddyn nhw aros oddi cartref oherwydd y pandemig. Rydyn ni mor falch ohonyn nhw!

Diolch i Staff

Rwyf am ddiolch i'r staff dros y pythefnos diwethaf sydd wedi gwirfoddoli i staffio teithiau preswyl. Hebddynt, ni fyddai'r tripiau wedi digwydd. Yn bersonol, hoffwn ddiolch i Mr Alexander, Mr Masterton, Miss Parry, Miss Parker, Miss Harper a Mr Rainsbury am roi o’u hamser yn rhydd ac mor barod i fuddsoddi yn ysgol a phrofiadau bywyd ein plant. Mae llawer o bobl yn cymryd yn ganiataol eu bod yn cael eu talu’n ychwanegol am deithiau fel hyn ond y gair yw nad ydynt. Nid wyf erioed wedi gweithio mewn ysgol lle rwyf wedi cael cymaint o wirfoddolwyr i gefnogi'r mathau hyn o deithiau.

Anturiaethau Cronfa Ddŵr Llandegfedd

Aeth ein plant Blwyddyn 6 i un o’u diwrnodau pontio gyda Gwynllyw ddoe wrth iddynt fynd i Gronfa Ddŵr Llandegfedd i badlfyrddio, cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau adeiladu tîm ac adeiladu rafftiau. Cawsant ddiwrnod gwych - ond roedden braidd yn oer pan ddaethant yn ôl!

Newyddion Cyffrous!!!

Bydd y Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon yn cynnal Ffair Haf a Barbeciw yn yr ysgol. Dyma'r ffair gyntaf ers blynyddoedd! Bydd y ffair ar ddydd Sadwrn, 2il o Orffennaf rhwng 11yb a 3yp. Fe’i cynhelir ar gae a buarth yr ysgol. Os bydd tywydd garw, fe'i cynhelir yn neuadd yr ysgol a rhai gasebos ar plasa’r ysgol. Daliwch y dyddiad!

Fe’ch anogaf i gefnogi’r digwyddiad hwn. Mae'r arian mae'r Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon yn ei godi yn cael ei wario'n uniongyrchol ar y plant. Mae’n helpu i dalu tuag at deithiau, prynu adnoddau i helpu plant i ddysgu ac yn talu am brofiadau cyffrous. Ond hefyd, yn bwysicach fyth, mae’n dod â theulu’r ysgol at ei gilydd.

Mae'r Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon yn chwilio am roddion allwch chi helpu?

Eitemau sydd eu hangen:

Hwyaid ar gyfer y bath (tua 30)

Gwobrau Tombola

Gwobrau raffl

Gwisg ysgol

Os gwyddoch am unrhyw un sy’n rhedeg busnes bach, neu os ydych yn berchen/yn rhedeg un eich hun ac yn dymuno cael stondin yn y ffair, cysylltwch â ni drwy dudalen Facebook Ffrindiau Panteg neu drwy eu e-bost.

Rydym hefyd angen byddin o wirfoddolwyr i helpu rhedeg y ffair, cysylltwch â’r Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon ar

Cyllid Teuluol

Deallwn ar hyn o bryd fod llawer o deuluoedd yn teimlo’r wasgfa ar eu harian wrth i brisiau ynni esgyn, eitemau bwyd wedi cynyddu mewn prisiau a chostau byw cyffredinol wedi codi’n aruthrol. Rydym yn deulu ysgol, ac felly, os gallwn eich helpu i lenwi ffurflenni rydym yn fodlon gwneud hynny. Os ydych chi eisiau gwybod o ble y gallwch chi gael cymorth, gallwn eich cyfeirio at y bobl gywir. Os ydych chi eisiau cymorth i wneud cais am Brydau Ysgol am Ddim i'ch plentyn neu grant gwisg ysgol, rhowch wybod i ni. Er mwyn gwneud cais am grant i’ch cefnogi i ddarparu ar gyfer anghenion ysgol eich plentyn, dilynwch y ddolen hon:

Cyfarfodydd Cynnydd a Lles Disgyblion

Peidiwch ag anghofio y byddwn yn cynnal ein cyfarfodydd cynnydd a lles disgyblion ar ddydd Llun 6ed a dydd Mawrth 7fed. Os ydych wedi archebu slot a heb dderbyn neges trwy ClassDojo yn cadarnhau eich slot a'ch amser, cysylltwch â'ch athro dosbarth heddiw.

Cofiwch, os ydych wedi archebu sgwrs ffôn, y daw hwn o rif ffôn ‘No Caller ID’.

Hanner Tymor

Gobeithio y cewch chi wyliau hanner tymor Sulgwyn hyfryd. Gobeithio y cewch chi dreulio amser gyda'r teulu.


What a week to end our half term!


Our Year 5 arrived back from Gilwern on Wednesday and keep asking when they can go again! The children did lots of exciting activities such as canoeing and climbing. For some of our children, this was the first time they had stayed away from home due to the pandemic. We are so proud of them!

Thank You to Staff

I want to thank the staff over this last fortnight who have volunteered to staff residential trips. Without them, the trips simply wouldn’t have taken place. I personally want to thank Mr Alexander, Mr Masterton, Miss Parry, Miss Parker, Miss Harper and Mr Rainsbury for giving up their time freely and so willingly to invest in our children’s school and life experiences. Many people assume that they get paid overtime for trips like this, they don’t. I have never worked in a school where I have had so many volunteers to support these types of trips.

Llandegfedd Reservoir Adventures

Our Year 6 children attended one of their transition days with Gwynllyw yesterday as they went to Llandegfedd Reservoir to paddle board, take part in team building activities and build rafts. They had a fantastic day - but were rather chilly when they came back!

Exciting News!!!

The PTA will be holding a Summer Fair and BBQ at the school. This is the first fair in years! The fair will be on Saturday, 2nd of July between 11am and 3pm. It will be held on the school field and playground. In the event of bad weather, it will be held in the school hall and some gazebos on the school plaza. Hold the date!

I urge you to support this event. The money the PTA raise gets spent directly on the children. It helps pay towards trips, purchasing resources to help children learn and pays for exciting experiences. But also, more importantly, it brings the school family together.

The PTA is looking for donations can you help?

Items required:

Ducks for the bath (approx 30)

Tombola prizes

Raffle prizes

School uniform

If you know of anyone who runs a small business, or if you own/run one yourself and would like a stall at the fair, please get in contact via Ffrindiau Panteg’s Facebook page or via their email.

We’re also in need of an army of volunteers to help run the fair, please contact the PTA on

Family Finance

We understand at this time that many families are feeling the squeeze on their finances as energy prices soar, food items have increased in price and the general cost of living has skyrocketed. We are a school family, and so, if we can help you with filling out forms we are willing to do so. If simply want to find out where you can get support from, we can direct you to the correct people. If you want support in applying for Free School Meals for your child or a uniform grant, please let us know. In order to apply for a grant to support you in providing for your child’s school needs, follow this link:

Pupil Progress and Wellbeing Meetings

Don’t forget that on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th if shine we will be holding our pupil progress and wellbeing meetings. If you have booked a slot and have not received a message via ClassDojo confirming your slot and time, please get in contact with your class teacher today.

Please be reminded that if you have booked a telephone conversation, this will come from a ‘No Caller ID’ phone number.

Half Term

I hope that you have a lovely Whitsun half term break. I hope that you get to spend time with family.

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