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Bwletin y Pennaeth - 05.04.2022 - Heads Bulletin


Annwyl Deuluoedd,

Dyma Fwletin olaf y Pennaeth cyn y Pasg! Rwy'n gobeithio beth bynnag yr ydych yn ei wneud dros yr egwyl y bydd gennych amser i'w dreulio gyda'r teulu.

Ymweliad y Frigâd Dân

Heddiw, buom yn ffodus i gael ymweliad gan Frigâd Dân De Cymru i siarad â’r plant am ddiogelwch tân. Mae’n wych cael pobl yn ôl i’r ysgol i siarad â’r plant am agweddau pwysig ar fywyd.

Digwyddiad Ffrindiau Panteg Dydd Iau

O 3pm tan 4pm, bydd Ffrindiau Panteg yn cynnal helfa Wyau Pasg yn yr awyr agored ar dir ein hysgol. Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn golygu y byddwn yn agor i chi godi'n gynnar fel y gallwch chi a'ch plentyn/plant gymryd rhan o'ch dymuniad. Nid oes gan y digwyddiad hwn amser cychwyn union, sy’n golygu y gallwch ddechrau helfa wyau Pasg unrhyw bryd rhwng 3pm a 4pm. Mae hyn er mwyn atal gorlenwi. Bydd gennyf staff yr ysgol ar y giatiau i sicrhau nad yw plant yn gadael y rhan ddiogel o’r ysgol heb oedolyn.

Rydym wedi gwneud trefniadau i blant y bysys a chlybiau gallu cymryd rhan yn ystod y prynhawn felly dydyn nhw ddim yn colli allan. Felly, anfonwch arian mewn gyda nhw os hoffech chi iddynt gymryd rhan yn ystod y diwrnod.

Y gost i gymryd rhan fydd £1.50 (arian parod) a bydd yn cael ei dalu’n uniongyrchol i Ffrindiau Panteg ar y diwrnod. (Ni all yr ysgol gymryd unrhyw arian ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn oherwydd ein bod yn symud tuag at fod yn gwbl ddi-arian).

Bydd plant sy'n mynychu clybiau ysgol yn cael eu clybiau yn y neuadd ddydd Iau.

Mae’r Ffrindiau’n addo helfa wyau Pasg gwahanol iawn – felly, peidiwch â cholli allan!


Yn anffodus, pan anfonais y Bwletin allan ddydd Gwener, roedd cyswllt diffygiol. Rwy'n anfon trwy'r ddolen eto nawr ei fod yn gweithio.

Fel yr eglurwyd ddydd Gwener, rydym yn edrych am eich barn ar sut y gallwn wirioneddol gyfoethogi a chyfoethogi profiadau plant yn yr ysgol. Dilynwch y ddolen i roi eich syniadau i ni!

Ymweliadau Addysgol

Os nad ydych wedi gwneud hynny’n barod, a’ch bod yn dymuno i’ch plentyn fynychu un o’n teithiau ysgol i Gastell Fonmon neu Fferm Gymunedol Greenmeadow, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn mewngofnodi i Civica Pay a thalu am y daith. Mae gennym dipyn o bobl yn rhagorol. Os ydych chi'n cael trafferth talu am unrhyw reswm, cysylltwch â'r swyddfa heddiw neu yfory - ar ôl y Pasg mae'n rhy hwyr.

Os oes gennych blentyn ym Mlwyddyn 5 neu 6, parhewch i wneud cyfraniadau tuag at gost y tripiau preswyl.mae hyn yn eich galluogi i wasgaru'r gost.

Boned Pasg a Parêd Hetiau

Ddydd Iau, byddwn yn cynnal ein Gorymdaith Boned a Hetiau Pasg. Os yw eich plentyn yn cymryd rhan, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn anfon ei het i'r ysgol ar y diwrnod hwnnw. Nid oes unrhyw gost am y digwyddiad hwn.

Y Disgybl Cyfrinachol

Wythnos diwethaf fe ddechreuon ni rannu rhai o’r pethau hyfryd a doniol mae’r plant wedi dweud am ein staff yn ystod ein harsylwadau gwersi. Dyma'r ail randaliad!

Miss Vickers, Meithrin: “I like Miss Vickers. We get on great. She’s my friend. She’s Miss Browning’s friend too.”

Miss Parry, Blwyddyn 5: “Mae Miss Parry yn helpu fi ddeall pethau anodd. Weithiau fi ddim yn ‘cael fe’ yn y cyflwyniad. Ond mae hi’n eistedd gyda fi i helpu fi.”

Miss Bowen, Blwyddyn 1/2: “Mae Miss Bowen yn garedig. Mae hi wastad yn helpu yr athrawes. Mae hi’n gwneud i fi gweithio’n galed iawn, iawn.”

Miss Sibthorpe, Blwyddyn 2: “Mae Miss Sibthorpe yn funny. Ni’n gallu cael laff a gwneud y gwaith caled, caled mae Mrs Wulder yn give-o.”

Miss Harper: “Rwy’n hoffi gweld Miss Harper yn y bore. Mae hi’n gwenu ar bawb pan rydyn ni’n dod mewn ac yn dod off y bws. Mae’n rhoi gwên i fi.”

Miss Davies, Blwyddyn 5: “Fi’n hoffi Miss (Tanwen) Davies. Fi wastad yn gwybod beth i wneud pan mae hi’n disgrifio. Mae hi’n helpu fy confidence.”

Miss Brown, Dosbarth Derbyn: “Miss Brown…mmm… she’s a smart cookie.”

Mrs Peart, Blwyddyn 1: “Mae Mrs Peart fel glitter. Sgleiniog. Mae hi pob amser yn gwenu.”

Miss Parker, Blwyddyn 6: “Mae Miss Parker yn edrych ar ôl fi. Mae hi’n gwrando. Mae hyn yn reli bwysig.”

Miss Browning, Dosbarth Meithrin: “Miss Browning gives me milk in the morning. I like her lots. She sings with the kids. I like the song about the horse lots.”

Mrs Wulder, Blwyddyn 2: “Mae Mrs Wulder yn uchelgeisiol. Mae hi yn roced uchelgeisiol.”

Ms Phillips, Blwyddyn 2: “Mae Ms Phillips yn gwneud i fi gwenu. Fi’n hoffi dod mewn i ddosbarth hi. Hi’n gallu bod yn athrawes fi next year too?”

Mrs Redwood, Swyddfa: “Mae Mrs Redwood yn dod o gwmpas gyda pethau pwysig ar y troli. Mae hi’n dweud i’r athrawon beth i wneud.”

Miss Llewellyn, Blwyddyn 6: “Mae Miss Llewellyn yn cael loads o egni… like, loads o fe!”


Bydd clybiau allgyrsiol ar ôl ysgol yn dechrau eto ddydd Llun, 2ail o Fai. Dyma restr o glybiau y gellir eu harchebu. Mae cofrestru ar sail y cyntaf i'r felin. Mae lleoedd yn gyfyngedig, fodd bynnag, byddwn yn cadw rhestr aros ar gyfer unrhyw un nad yw'n cael y clybiau y maent wedi gofyn amdanynt. Ar gyfer clybiau ysgol, byddwn ni'r ffurflen ar agor tan ddydd Mercher 27 Mai am 12pm.


Good afternoon!

This is the last Head’s Bulletin before Easter! I hope that what ever you are doing over the break that you have time to spend with family.

Change to menu

There is a change to the menu this Thursday. Pizza will be available as the hot option instead of the cheese and potato pie advertised.

Fire Brigade Visit

Today, we were lucky to have a visit from the South Wales Fire Brigade to talk to the children about fire safety. It’s great to have people back in to school to speak to the children about important aspects of life.

Ffrindiau Panteg Event on Thursday

From 3pm until 4pm, Ffrindiau Panteg are going to be holding an outdoors Easter Egg hunt on our school grounds. This event will mean that we will open up for you to pick up early so that you and your child(ren) can take part if you wish. This event doesn’t have an exact start time, meaning that you can start the Easter egg hunt anytime between 3pm and 4pm. This is to stop overcrowding. I will have school staff on the gates to ensure that children don’t leave the safe part of the school without an adult.

We have made arrangements for the children of the buses and clubs to participate during the course of the in the afternoon so they do not miss out. So, send money in with them if you would like them to take part during the day.

The cost to take part will be £1.50 (cash) and will be paid directly to Ffrindiau Panteg on the day. (The school cannot take any money for this event because we are moving towards being completely cashless).

Children attending school clubs will have their clubs in the hall on Thursday.

The Ffrindiau promise an Easter egg hunt with a difference - so, don’t miss out!


Unfortunately, when I sent out the Bulletin on Friday, there was a defective link. I am sending through the link again now that it is working.

As explained on Friday, we are looking for your opinion on how we can truly enhance and enrichen children’s experiences at school. Follow the link to give us your ideas!

Educational Visits

If you haven’t done so already, and you wish your child to attend one of our school trips to Fonmon Castle or Greenmeadow Community Farm, please make sure you log in to Civica Pay and pay for the trip. We have quite a few people outstanding. If you are having trouble to pay for any reason, please contact the office today or tomorrow - after Easter is too late.

If you have a child in Year 5 or 6, please continue to make contributions towards the cost of the residential trips.this allows you to spread the cost.

Easter Bonnet and Hat Parade

On Thursday, we will be holding our Easter Bonnet and Hat Parade. If your child is taking part, please make sure you send their hat into school on that day. There is no cost for this event.

The Secret Pupil

Last week we started sharing some of the lovely and humorous things the children have said about our staff during our lesson observations. Here is the second instalment!

Miss Vickers, Meithrin: “I like Miss Vickers. We get on great. She’s my friend. She’s Miss Browning’s friend too.”

Miss Parry, Blwyddyn 5: “Miss Parry helps me understand hard things. Some times I don’t ‘get it’ in the introduction. But she sits with me to help me.”

Miss Bowen, Blwyddyn 1/2: “Miss Bowen is kind. She always helps the teacher. She makes me do really, really hard work.”

Miss Sibthorpe, Blwyddyn 2: “Miss Sibthorpe is funny. We can have a laugh and do the hard, hard work that Mrs Wulder gives.”

Miss Harper: “I like to see Miss Harper in the morning. She smiles at everyone when we come in off the bus. She gives me a smile.”

Miss Davies, Blwyddyn 5: “I like Miss (Tanwen) Davies. I always know what to do when she describes. She helps my confidence.”

Miss Brown, Dosbarth Derbyn: “Miss Brown…mmm… she’s a smart cookie.”

Mrs Peart, Blwyddyn 1: “Mrs Peart is like glitter. Shiny. She is always smiling.”

Miss Parker, Blwyddyn 6: “Miss Parker looks after me. She listens. This is really important.”

Miss Browning, Dosbarth Meithrin: “Miss Browning gives me milk in the morning. I like her lots. She sings with the kids. I like the song about the horse lots.”

Mrs Wulder, Blwyddyn 2: “Mrs Wulder is ambitious. She is an ambitious rocket!”

Ms Phillips, Blwyddyn 2: “Ms Phillips makes me smile. I like being in her class. Can she be my teacher next year too?”

Mrs Redwood, Swyddfa: “Mrs Redwood comes around with important things on the trolley. She tells the teachers what to do.”

Miss Llewellyn, Blwyddyn 6: “Miss Llewellyn has lots of energy.. like, loads of it.”


Extra-curricular after school clubs will begin again on Monday, 2nd of May. Here is a list of clubs that can be booked. Sign-up is on a first-come-first-served basis. Places are limited, however, we will keep a waiting list for anyone who does not get the clubs they have asked for. For school clubs, the form will be open until Wednesday 27th of May at 12pm. Please see the email for links to the forms.



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