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Wythnos NSPCC Week - Emosiynau - Emotions

Mae plentyn yn gallu adnabod ei emosiynau a dysgu i'w reoli yn un o'r sgiliau pwysicaf y gall fod ganddo.

Mewn gwirionedd mae pobl sy'n dda am sylwi sut maent yn teimlo ac yn gallu tawelu eu hunain neu addasu eu hymddygiad yn fwy tebygol o wneud yn dda mewn bywyd, cael perthnasoedd iach a rheoli anawsterau ac anfanteision.

Mae teimladau'n bwerus a gallant ddod yn llethol ar adegau. Efallai y bydd oedolion a phlant yn ei chael hi’n anodd rheoli eu hymatebion i’w teimladau a gweithredu mewn ffyrdd sy’n teimlo allan o reolaeth. Er enghraifft, ydych chi erioed wedi teimlo mor grac eich bod chi wedi dweud pethau nad oeddech chi'n ei olygu wrth rywun rydych chi'n ei garu? Yna ar ôl i chi dawelu, sylweddoloch chi fod eich emosiynau wedi gwella arnoch chi a'ch bod chi'n dymuno i chi ei drin yn wahanol?

Rydym i gyd wedi ymddwyn fel hyn, ond wrth i blant dyfu i fyny, mae’n bwysig eu bod yn cael eu haddysgu sut i reoli’r emosiynau hyn er mwyn iddynt allu delio â sefyllfaoedd yn well.

Bydd addysgu plant am eu hemosiynau a sut i'w rheoli yn rhoi'r strategaethau a'r sgiliau bywyd iddynt lywio eu ffordd trwy sefyllfaoedd anodd a'u trin mewn ffordd fwy tawel a phwrpasol.

Mae rhesymau dros gydnabod ein hemosiynau yn bwysig:

1. Deall y rheswm y tu ôl i'n hemosiynau

Fel bodau dynol, mae gennym ni emosiynau fel y gallwn wneud cysylltiadau â'r bobl o'n cwmpas a darganfod beth sy'n gwneud i ni deimlo'n dda a beth sydd ddim. Mae ein hemosiynau fel ein cwmpawd mewnol, yn ein helpu i ddarganfod sut mae sefyllfa yn gwneud i ni deimlo. Mae hyn wedyn yn ein helpu i wneud penderfyniadau ynghylch a ydym am fod yn y sefyllfa honno ac yn ein galluogi i ddarganfod beth rydym yn ei wneud a beth nad ydym ei eisiau mewn bywyd. Mae angen i ni allu adnabod pan fydd gennym emosiwn, gwybod beth ydyw a gwybod beth mae'n ceisio ei ddweud wrthym. Er enghraifft, os yw plentyn yn treulio amser gyda grŵp o bobl sy’n gwneud iddynt deimlo’n anhapus am eu hunain, yn bryderus ac o dan bwysau – mae’n bwysig eu bod yn gallu adnabod hyn a sylweddoli bod eu teimladau’n dweud wrthynt nad yw hyn yn iawn. sefyllfa iddyn nhw fod ynddi. Os ydyn nhw'n gallu gwrando ar eu teimladau ac ymateb iddyn nhw, maen nhw'n mynd i fod yn fwy tebygol o wyro tuag at bobl sy'n gwneud iddyn nhw deimlo'n dda amdanyn nhw eu hunain. Efallai na fydd plentyn sydd heb yr ymwybyddiaeth hon hyd yn oed yn sylweddoli bod y grwpiau cyfeillgarwch a ddewiswyd ganddynt yn cael effaith negyddol ar eu lles.

2. I'n helpu i deimlo bod gennym fwy o reolaeth

Gall ein hemosiynau effeithio'n fawr ar ein hwyliau a'n hymddygiad. Os ydyn ni’n teimlo’n ddig, yn bryderus neu’n poeni llawer, gall gael effaith ar gyfeillgarwch, perthnasoedd teuluol, gwaith ysgol a’n teimladau cyffredinol o hapusrwydd. Gall cael llawer o deimladau negyddol hefyd wneud i blant deimlo nad ydynt eisiau cymryd rhan mewn hobïau neu weithgareddau y tu allan i'r ysgol. Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn helpu plant i adnabod pan fyddant yn teimlo'n anhapus fel y gallant ddarganfod pam a cheisio dod o hyd i ateb i wneud i'w hunain deimlo'n well. Bydd meddu ar y sgiliau i fyfyrio ar eu teimladau a sylweddoli mai nhw sy'n rheoli sut maen nhw'n teimlo yn cael effaith enfawr ar eu pwrpas a pherchnogaeth o'u bywyd.

3. Gall emosiynau negyddol arwain at feddyliau negyddol

Os ydym yn ei chael hi'n anodd cydnabod pan fyddwn yn teimlo'n anhapus, gall hyn wedyn arwain at feddyliau anhapus. Mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n helpu plant i sylweddoli mai nhw sy'n gyfrifol am eu meddyliau. Os ydyn nhw'n treulio llawer o amser yn meddwl pethau fel, “Dydw i ddim yn ddigon da,” neu, “Does neb yn fy hoffi i”, yna mae hynny'n mynd i effeithio ar eu meddylfryd a'r ffordd maen nhw'n gweld sefyllfaoedd maen nhw'n canfod eu hunain ynddynt. mae ganddynt y pŵer i newid y meddyliau hynny ac y gallant benderfynu beth y maent yn ei feddwl all newid canfyddiadau a'u ffurfio i fod yn bobl ifanc a all ail-fframio negyddiaeth, bod yn hapusach a chredu ynddynt eu hunain. Y neges sydd angen i blant ei chlywed yw Os ydyn nhw'n credu y gallan nhw wneud pethau - yna fe allan nhw! Y cyfan sydd raid iddynt ei wneud yw ei gredu. Y cam cyntaf i iechyd meddwl a lles cadarnhaol yw sylwi pan fyddwn yn teimlo'n anhapus ac yn newid meddyliau negyddol.

4. Mae'n golygu y gallwn ofyn am help

Weithiau pan fyddwn ni'n teimlo'n isel, rydyn ni angen help gan y rhai o'n cwmpas. I blant, gall fod yn rhieni/gofalwyr, aelodau o’r teulu, athrawon neu ffrind. Mae gallu adnabod pryd mae angen help arnoch gyda'ch emosiynau yn bwysig, ac yn aml ni all plant ddarganfod hynny ar eu pen eu hunain. Mae angen arweiniad a chefnogaeth barhaus arnynt gyda'u hemosiynau i'w helpu i ddeall sut i ymdawelu. Yn aml, y cyfan sydd ei angen ar blant yw cael cwtsh gan rywun maen nhw’n ymddiried ynddo pan fyddan nhw’n teimlo bod eu teimladau wedi eu llethu. Neu rywun i wrando arnynt heb farn, lle mae ffocws ar eu teimladau ac nid ar y sefyllfa. Mae angen i blant wybod y gallant rannu eu teimladau mawr gydag oedolyn diogel a fydd yn eu harwain trwy'r teimladau hynny. Mae dysgu cyfathrebu â’r bobl o’u cwmpas a nodi’r hyn sydd ei angen arnynt er mwyn eu helpu yn ffordd i blant ddatblygu ffyrdd iach o reoli eu hemosiynau.

5. Mae'n eich helpu i fod yn ffrind gwell

Unwaith y byddwch chi'n fedrus wrth adnabod eich emosiynau eich hun, eu rheoli a'u cyfathrebu i eraill, gallwch chi helpu eraill i wneud yr un peth! Bydd plant sy’n dod yn dda iawn am ddeall teimladau pobl yn gallu dweud pan nad yw’r bobl o’u cwmpas yn teimlo’n hapus iawn a byddant yn gallu ymateb yn briodol a’u helpu. Byddant yn gallu helpu i gefnogi eu brodyr a chwiorydd, ffrindiau a phobl o'u cwmpas wrth iddynt dyfu i fyny a fydd yn eu helpu i ffurfio perthnasoedd gwell.


A child being able to recognise their emotions and learning to manage them is one of the most important skills they can have.

In fact people who are good at noticing how they feel and can calm themselves down or adjust their behaviour are more likely to do well in life, have healthy relationships and manage difficulties and setbacks.

Feelings are powerful and can become overwhelming at times. Both adults and children might struggle to manage their responses to their feelings and act in ways that feel very out of their control. For example, have you ever felt so angry that you said things you didn’t mean to someone you love? Then once you calmed down, you realised that your emotions got the better of you and you wish you handled it differently?

We have all behaved this way, but as children grow up, it is important that they are taught how to control these emotions so that they can deal with situations better.

Teaching children about their emotions and how to manage them will give them the strategies and life skills to navigate their way through tough situations and handle them in a more calm, purposeful way.

Reasons recognising our emotions is important:

1. Understanding the reason behind our emotions

As humans, we have emotions so we can make connections with the people around us and figure out what makes us feel good and what doesn’t. Our emotions are like our internal compass, helping us to figure out how a situation makes us feel. This then helps us make decisions about whether we want to be in that situation and allows us to figure out what we do and don’t want in life. We need to be able to recognise when we have an emotion, know what it is and know what it is trying to tell us. For example, if a child is spending time with a group of people who make them feel unhappy about themselves, anxious and under pressure – it is important that they can recognise this and realise that their feelings are telling them that this isn’t the right situation for them to be in. If they are able to listen to their feelings and respond to them, they are going to be more likely to gravitate toward people who make them feel good about themselves. A child who does not have this awareness may not even realise that their chosen friendship groups are having a negative impact on their wellbeing.

2. To help us feel more in control

Our emotions can greatly affect our mood and behaviours. If we are feeling angry, anxious or worried a lot it can have an impact on friendships, family relationships, schoolwork and our overall feelings of happiness. Having lots of negative feelings can also make children feel like not wanting to take part in hobbies or activities outside of school. It is important that we help children recognise when they are feeling unhappy so that they can figure out why and try to find a solution to make themselves feel better. Having the skills to reflect on their feelings and realise they are in control of how they feel will have a massive impact on their purposefulness and ownership of their life.

3. Negative emotions can lead to negative thoughts

If we struggle to recognise when we are feeling unhappy, this can then lead to unhappy thoughts. It is really important that we help children realise that they are in charge of their thoughts. If they are spending lots of time thinking things like, “I am not good enough,” or, “No one likes me”, then that is going to affect their mindset and the way they see situations they find themselves in. Teaching children that they have the power to change those thoughts and that they can decide what they think can change perceptions and mould them in to young people who can reframe negativity, be happier and believe in themselves. The message children need to hear is that If they believe they can do things - then they can! All they have to do is to believe it. The first step to positive mental health and wellbeing is noticing when we are feeling unhappy and changing negative thoughts.

4. It means we can ask for help

Sometimes when we are feeling down, we need help from those around us. For children, it can be parents/carers, family members, teachers or a friend. Being able to recognise when you need help with your emotions is important, and often children cannot figure it out on their own. They need ongoing guidance and support with their emotions to help them understand how to calm down. Often children just need a cuddle from someone they trust when they feel overwhelmed with their feelings. Or someone to listen to them without judgment, where focus is on their feelings and not the situation. Children need to know that they can share their big feelings with a safe adult who will guide them through those feelings. Learning to communicate with the people around them and identifying what they need in order to help them is a way of children developing healthy ways to regulate their emotions.

5. It helps you to be a better friend

Once you are skilled at recognising your own emotions, managing them and communicating them to others, you can help others do the same! Children who get really good at understanding people’s feelings will be able to tell when the people around them are not feeling very happy and will be able respond appropriately and help them. They will be able to help to support their siblings, friends and people around them as they grow up will help them form better relationships.

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