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Wythnos NSPCC Week - Diogelwch YouTube Safety

Beth yw YouTube?

Mae YouTube yn blatfform rhannu fideos lle gallwch wylio, creu a rhannu fideos. Er na allwch anfon negeseuon preifat ar y platfform, gallwch gyfathrebu â defnyddwyr eraill trwy'r adran sylwadau o dan y chwaraewr fideo.

Pa raddfa oedran yw YouTube?

I greu cyfrif YouTube mae angen i chi fod yn 13+. Fodd bynnag, nid oes angen cyfrif arnoch i wylio fideos ar y platfform.

Beth allwch chi ei wneud ar YouTube?

Gosodiadau a Nodweddion Diogelwch ar YouTube

1. Profiad dan Oruchwyliaeth

Mae profiad dan oruchwyliaeth cyfrif YouTube ar gael i rai dan 13 oed gyda chyfrif Google a reolir gan Family Link. Gall hyn helpu i reoli sut maen nhw'n defnyddio'r ap.

Bydd hyn yn rhoi mynediad i chi i osodiadau cynnwys a rheolaethau rhieni i'ch helpu i reoli pa sianeli y gallant danysgrifio iddynt a pha mor hir y maent yn ei dreulio ar yr ap.

I gael gwybodaeth am sut i sefydlu hyn ewch i dudalen gyngor YouTube.

2. Modd Cyfyngedig

Mae hyn yn helpu i hidlo fideos amhriodol allan. Fodd bynnag, nid yw'n 100% effeithiol oherwydd nifer y fideos ar y platfform.

I alluogi'r nodwedd hon ewch i 'Settings'. Cliciwch y gwymplen ar waelod y sgrin a dewis ‘Cyfyngedig Modd: Off’. Newidiwch yr opsiwn i ‘On’ a gwasgwch ‘Save’.

3. Cyfrinair Custom

Gallwch chi sefydlu cod personol i atal eich plentyn rhag cael mynediad i'ch rheolaethau rhieni a gwneud newidiadau. I wneud hyn, tapiwch yr eicon clo, a dewis ‘Gosodwch fy nghod pas fy hun’.

4. Auto-Play

Mae diffodd autoplay yn atal fideos rhag chwarae'n awtomatig ar ôl i un ddod i ben. Bydd hyn yn atal eich plentyn rhag gwylio fideos a awgrymir iddo gan yr ap.

I droi hyn ymlaen, ewch i'r sgrin wylio ar unrhyw fideo. Yna tapiwch y switsh auto-play fel ei fod yn dweud ‘Off’.

5. Creu Rhestrau Chwarae

Gallwch greu rhestri chwarae ar YouTube i helpu i reoli'r fideos y gall eich plentyn eu gwylio. Rydym yn argymell gwylio fideos cyn i'ch plentyn wneud i wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn briodol ac yna eu hychwanegu at restr chwarae newydd.

I ychwanegu fideo at restr chwarae dewiswch ‘Save’ ar waelod y fideo rydych chi am ei ychwanegu. Dewiswch y rhestr chwarae rydych chi am ychwanegu ati neu dewiswch 'creu rhestr chwarae newydd'.

Ydy YouTube Kids yn fwy diogel?

Mae YouTube Kids yn ap a gwefan ar wahân a grëwyd gan YouTube sy'n cynnig mwy o hidlwyr a chyfyngiadau i helpu i atal plant rhag dod ar draws cynnwys amhriodol.

Mae yna hefyd nodweddion rheolaeth rhieni ychwanegol ar gael yn dibynnu ar oedran eich plentyn. Gallwch ddewis rhwng tri gosodiad cynnwys yn seiliedig ar oedran:

-Cyn-ysgol (4 oed ac iau)

-Iau (5-8 oed)

-Hŷn (9–12 oed)

Gallwch greu proffiliau defnyddwyr unigol ar gyfer mwy nag un plentyn. Er bod y platfform yn defnyddio ystod o hidlwyr gwahanol i atal cynnwys oedolion rhag chwarae, nid yw'r rhain bob amser yn 100% effeithiol. Rydym bob amser yn argymell goruchwylio'ch plentyn pan fydd yn gwylio fideos neu'n eu gwylio i wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn addas. Nid oes unrhyw nodweddion cyfathrebu ar gael ychwaith.


What is YouTube?

YouTube is a video sharing platform where you can watch, create and share videos. While you can’t send private messages on the platform, you can communicate with other users via the comment section under the video player.

What age-rating is YouTube?

To create a YouTube account you need to be 13+. However, you don’t need an account to watch videos on the platform.

What can you do on YouTube?

Safety Settings and Features on YouTube

1. Supervised Experience

A supervised experience YouTube account is available for under 13s with a Google account managed by Family Link. This can help manage how they use the app.

This will give you access to content settings and parental controls to help you manage what channels they can subscribe to and how long they spend on the app.

For information on how to set this up visit YouTube’s advice page.

2. Restricted Mode

This helps to filter out inappropriate videos. However, it’s not 100% effective due to the volume of videos on the platform.

To enable this feature go to ‘Settings’. Click the drop down menu at the bottom of the screen and select ‘Restricted Mode: Off’. Change the option to ‘On’ and press ‘Save’.

3. Custom Password

You can set up a custom passcode to stop your child from accessing your parental controls and making changes. To do this, tap the lock icon, and choose ‘Set my own passcode’.

4. Auto-Play

Auto-play stops videos from automatically playing after one has ended. This will stop your child from watching videos suggested to them by the app.

To turn this on, go to the watch screen on any video. Then tap the auto-play switch so it says ‘Off’.

5. Create Playlists

You can create playlists on YouTube to help manage the videos your child can watch. We recommend watching videos before your child does to make sure they're appropriate and then adding them to a new playlist.

To add a video to a playlist select ‘Save’ at the bottom of the video you want to add. Select the playlist you want to add it to or choose ‘create new playlist’.

Is YouTube Kids safer?

YouTube Kids is a separate app and website created by YouTube that offers more filters and restrictions to help stop children coming across inappropriate content.

There are also additional parental control features available depending on your child’s age. You can choose between three age-based content settings:

-Preschool (Ages 4 and under)

-Younger (Ages 5–8)

-Older (Ages 9–12)

You can create individual user profiles for more than one child. While the platform uses a range of different filters to stop adult content from playing, these aren’t always 100% effective. We always recommend supervising your child when they're watching videos or watching them to make sure they are suitable. There are also no communication features available on YouTube Kids.

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