Cynlluniau Datblygu Unigol | Individual Development Plans
Beth yw CDUau a Sut Maent yn cael eu Creu?
Mae Cynlluniau Datblygu Unigol (CDU) yn gynlluniau dysgu personol sydd wedi’u cynllunio i ddiwallu anghenion unigryw pob disgybl yn ‘Yr Academi’. Mae’r cynlluniau hyn yn darparu fframwaith clir ar gyfer cefnogi datblygiad addysgol, cymdeithasol ac emosiynol plant ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol. Mae CDU yn amlinellu’r nodau, y strategaethau a’r adnoddau penodol sydd eu hangen i helpu pob disgybl i ffynnu yn ein hamgylchedd dysgu wedi’i deilwra. Mae creu CDU yn broses gydweithredol. Mae’n dechrau gydag asesiad trylwyr o gryfderau, heriau a dewisiadau dysgu’r disgybl. Caiff yr asesiad hwn ei lywio gan fewnbwn gan athrawon, arbenigwyr, cynorthwywyr addysgu, ac - yn bwysicaf oll - y disgybl a'i deulu. Mae'r CDU yn gosod targedau hir-dymor ar gyfer y disgybl, gan ganolbwyntio ar feysydd megis cynnydd academaidd, sgiliau cymdeithasol, rheolaeth emosiynol, ac annibyniaeth. Rhennir y nodau hyn yn gamau hylaw, gan ei gwneud yn haws olrhain cynnydd ac addasu cymorth yn ôl yr angen.
Rôl Rhieni mewn Datblygu CDU
Yn ‘Yr Academi,’ credwn fod rhieni a gofalwyr yn chwarae rhan hollbwysig yn natblygiad CDU eu plentyn. Daw rhieni â mewnwelediad amhrisiadwy i bersonoliaeth, anghenion a phrofiadau eu plentyn, sy'n helpu'r staff addysgu a'r arbenigwyr i greu cynllun sy'n berthnasol ac yn gyraeddadwy. O gamau cychwynnol creu'r CDU i'w adolygiad parhaus, mae rhieni yn gyfranogwyr gweithredol yn y broses. Rydym yn gweithio’n agos gyda rhieni i sicrhau bod eu pryderon, eu gobeithion a’u disgwyliadau ar gyfer eu plentyn yn cael eu hystyried. Cynhelir cyfarfodydd rheolaidd i drafod y CDU, lle gall rhieni rannu arsylwadau o gartref, gofyn cwestiynau, a chyfrannu syniadau. Mae’r bartneriaeth hon rhwng y cartref a’r ysgol yn hanfodol i sicrhau bod y CDU yn ddogfen fyw sy’n wirioneddol adlewyrchu anghenion a nodau’r disgybl.
Sut mae CDU yn cael eu Hadolygu a'u Diweddaru?
Nid yw CDUau yn ddogfennau statig; cânt eu hadolygu a’u diweddaru’n rheolaidd i adlewyrchu cynnydd y disgyblion ac unrhyw newidiadau yn eu hanghenion. Yn 'Yr Academi', caiff CDUau eu hadolygu o leiaf unwaith y flwyddyn fel arfer trwy gyfarfod cynllunio disgybl-ganolog (PCP), er y gellir trefnu adolygiadau amlach os oes angen. Yn ystod yr adolygiadau hyn, mae athrawon, arbenigwyr, a rhieni yn asesu cynnydd y disgybl tuag at y targedau a osodwyd yn y CDU, gan drafod yr hyn sydd wedi gweithio’n dda a lle gallai fod angen addasiadau pellach. Os yw disgybl wedi cyrraedd ei dargedau neu os yw ei anghenion wedi newid, bydd nodau a strategaethau newydd yn cael eu gosod. Mae’r broses adolygu yn sicrhau bod y CDU yn parhau’n berthnasol ac yn ymatebol i ddatblygiad y disgybl. Mae disgyblion hefyd yn cymryd rhan yn y trafodaethau hyn lle bo’n briodol, gan eu helpu i gymryd perchnogaeth o’u taith ddysgu

What IDPs Are and How They Are Created?
Individual Development Plans (IDPs) are personalised learning plans designed to meet the unique needs of each pupil in ‘Yr Academi’. These plans provide a clear framework for supporting the educational, social, and emotional development of children with additional learning needs. IDPs outline the specific goals, strategies, and resources required to help each pupil thrive in our tailored learning environment. The creation of an IDP is a collaborative process. It begins with a thorough assessment of the pupil’s strengths, challenges, and learning preferences. This assessment is informed by input from teachers, specialists, teaching assistants, and - most importantly - the pupil and their family. The IDP sets out long-term targets for the pupil, focusing on areas such as academic progress, social skills, emotional regulation, and independence. These goals are broken down into manageable steps, making it easier to track progress and adjust support as needed.
Role of Parents in IDP Development
At 'Yr Academi,' we believe that parents and carers play a crucial role in the development of their child’s IDP. Parents bring invaluable insight into their child's personality, needs, and experiences, which helps the teaching staff and specialists create a plan that is both relevant and achievable. From the initial stages of creating the IDP to its ongoing review, parents are active participants in the process. We work closely with parents to ensure that their concerns, hopes, and expectations for their child are taken into account. Regular meetings are held to discuss the IDP, during which parents can share observations from home, ask questions, and contribute ideas. This partnership between home and school is essential to ensuring that the IDP is a living document that truly reflects the pupil’s needs and goals.
How IDPs Are Reviewed and Updated?
IDPs are not static documents; they are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the pupil’s progress and any changes in their needs. At 'Yr Academi,' IDPs are reviewed at least once a year normally through a pupil centric planning (PCP) meeting, although more frequent reviews can be scheduled if necessary. During these reviews, teachers, specialists, and parents assess the pupil’s progress towards the targets set in the IDP, discussing what has worked well and where further adjustments might be needed. If a pupil has met their targets or if their needs have changed, new goals and strategies will be set. The review process ensures that the IDP remains relevant and responsive to the pupil’s development. Pupils are also involved in these discussions where appropriate, helping them take ownership of their learning journey.